Schleich 42485 Horse stable

Dimensions: 10.5 x 49 x 34.5 cm; 2.43 Kilograms
Model: 42485
Material: Plastic
Pack Quantity: 30
Batteries Required: No
Batteries Included: No
Age: 36 months – 18 years
Assembly: Yes
Material: Plastic
Quantity: 30

63 Responses

  1. A Day Without Me says:


    Der Bauernhof war ein Geschenk fr meine Tochter. Er ist qualitativ sehr hochwertig, die Anleitung ist leicht zu verstehen und der Spielspa kann bald beginnen. Tolle detailgetreue Umsetzung.

  2. KittyJanssen says:


    Sehr toller Reitstall. Sehr stabil, hochwertig und kein billig Plastik.

  3. Anonymous says:


    Ma nice t ravie. table monte avec sa maman et ensuite que du bonheu

  4. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    The package corners were damaged and stickers and a delivery label plastered over the pictures of the stable with no packaging at all what a mess.

  5. BernieWexler says:

     United States

    Definitely worth the money. It’s by far the most realistic and best one we have been able to find for my destructive son. He loves anything for a farm and this is his favorite yet.

  6. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Very easy and fast to assemble.attractive price for the quality you get. Great product! My 3 years old son loves it. We will be purchasing more of the horse and fairytale series soon.

  7. Anonymous says:


    Ein sehr schnes Spielzeug, Qualitt ist in Ordnung. Preis finde ich persnlich bertrieben.

  8. Anonymous says:


    Dieser Pferdestall ist typisch Schleich.
    Trotz Plastik recht hochwertig verarbeitet und einfach zusammenzubauen.
    Sieht einfach schn aus und die Kids spielen wirklich gerne und lange damit.
    Fr meinen Geschmack ein paar Euro zu teuer aber noch in Ordnung

  9. Anonymous says:


    Leider sollte es ein Geburtstagsgeschenk werden , doch leider wurde es ohne eine Verpackung geliefert. Meine Tochter hat es direkt gesehen.
    Sonst natrlich ein tolles Produkt.

  10. Anonymous says:


    Hat meine groe (6 Jahre) zu Weihnachten bekommen und hat sich mega gefreu

  11. Anonymous says:


    Einfach nur Klasse. Sehr gute Qualitt. Spielfiguren und Zubehr sind gut verarbeitet und robust.Lieferung vollstndig und zgig.

  12. PeggyMerrifield says:


    hab es fr meine enkelin besorgt.sie war voll begeisternd von ihrem hof mit pferde

  13. ElvaChristian says:


    Schnes Produkt sehr leicht und verstndlich auf zubauen.
    Was Persnlich am besten gefllt ist das meine Tochter Sich ber das sehr gefreut hat und auch sehr viele Details findet die uns Eltern noch nicht aufgefallen sind

  14. Anonymous says:


    Der Reitstall ist einfach toll. Lsst sich super leicht zusammenbauen und die Kinder haben viel Spa damit zu spielen 🙂

  15. ZYIMalorie says:


    Bought this for my grandson’s Christmas. Excellent farm/stable with lots of extras. Would advise building before giving as it took grandad about an hour…with glass of beer to help! Lots of fun.

    Bought this for my grandson's Christmas. Excellent farm/stable with lots of extras. Would advise building before giving as it took grandad about an hour...with glass of beer to help! Lots of fun.

  16. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Pretty sturdy. Easy to assemble. My 7 yr old Schleich addicted Daughter really likes it.

  17. LatanyaRobertso says:


    Ottimo gioco ben fatto a dieci anni un giocattolo divertente

  18. Anonymous says:


    Wir sind vor einiger Zeit von Playmobil auf Schleich gewechselt, weil Schleich einfach robuster ist, nicht so schnell kaputt geht, weniger Bastelei und Zeit beim Aufbau investiert werden muss und insgesamt den qualitativ hochwertigeren Eindruck macht, auch hinsichtlich in der Liebe zum Detail.
    Haben es auch hier nicht bereut.
    Der Pferdestall ist einfach super und auch nach Wochen und Monaten wird damit intensiv gespielt.

  19. HoraceMartens says:


    Mein Enkel hat alles Andere zu ihrem Geburtstag stehen lassen, und nur damit gespielt! Volle Empfehlung!

  20. MurielBejah says:

     United States

    What’s not to love about Schleich Toys?! Delivery was on time.

  21. Anonymous says:


    Denn Pferdestall gab es zum Geburtstag meiner jetzt 6-Jrigen Tochter. Und das grinsen musste nach dem Auspacken wirklich Operativ entfernt werden. Beim zusammen bauen durfte Papa dieses mal nur Muschen spielen. denn das schafften meine beiden Muse selbst. Denn hier wurde kurzer Hand ihre 10-Jhrige Schwester zu Rate gezogen und musste entsprechend die Bauleitung des Projekt Pferdestall bernehmen.

    Ich durfte nach dem Aufbau nur zur Besichtigung kommen. Naja, ich musste den Flaschenaufzug installieren. Da fuchste es ein wenige beiden beiden. Ansonsten haben die beiden dank einer detaillierten Aufbau Anleitung von Schleich das wunderbar selbst aufgebaut. Sie werden so schnell gro und machen einen diesbezglich arbeitslos…. schnff…

    Doch ich bin mal wieder berrascht mit wieviel Liebe und Detailreichtum hier Schleich wieder am Werk war. Und wenn es nur das Muschen ist das sein eigens Zuhause im Stall hat.

    Kaum aufgebaut wurde schon mit den vorhanden Zunen eine Kobel und ein Offenstall mit dazu gebaut. Und die restlichen Pferdehof Einwohner die schon im Kinderzimmer Einzug gehalten hatten begrten die neuen Besucher und begutachteten den neuen Anbau.

    Also von unserer Seite aus hat Schleich hier mal wieder alles richtig gemacht.

  22. ErnieWindham says:


    Miene Tochter liebt ihren Bauernhof und spielt jede freie Minute dami

  23. ScarletRosentha says:


    Joli cadeau d’anniversaire, les personnages sont bien faits et l’curie est complte. Le seul hic est le prix. Je trouve qu’il est survalu, mme si c’est de la bonne qualit, a reste du plastique.

    La petite est quand mme ravie et peut inventer des tas de scnarios avec les personnages, animaux , etc.

  24. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Kind o expensive but well made and my granddaughter loves it!

  25. FYRWileyzreq says:

     United Kingdom

    Lots of imaginative play, has kept 5 year old amused for a few weeks now and older kids also like i

  26. Anonymous says:


    Super schnelle Lieferung.
    Perfekt zum spielen fr Gro und Klein.
    Einfaches zusammen bauen damit der spielspa schnell los geht kann.

  27. Anonymous says:


    Beautiful farm, with lots of details. Our daughter loves to play with this.

  28. LanoraTreadway says:

     United States

    This horse, barn, and grooming toy set are great. The materials used in the set are durable, the colors are bright and bold, and a horse-loving child would get a good deal of enjoyment out of this play set.

    There are some small pieces, though, so this is not a safe toy for toddlers, but for children, oh, say, 4-5 and up, it could be a great option.

    This could also be used as a good base set for building a larger play set by adding more animals, etc.

    The cost may seem a bit high to some, but the manufacturer is well known for making top-of-the-line toys, especially animals and related items. They are so good that some people around where I live actually treat them like collectables or use them for decorations.

    Pricey, but still worth 5 stars.

  29. Anonymous says:


    Es hat mich Missfallen dass das Paket offen war und wohl mit irgendwelchen klebe zu geklebt wurde

  30. PaulinaTrundle says:

     United States

    wow the details on this stable is AMAZING!

    my kids got so excited when they saw this stable farm and has been stuck on this piece. each piece has very great detailing that makes it fun for both my toddlers to play with. the even do voice overs, so cute!

  31. Anonymous says:


    Schne Details gut verarbeitet leider hat der Terrorzwerg jetzt eine kleine Verbindung kaputt bekommen ansonsten sind wir top zufrieden.

  32. BernieceTalley says:

     United States

    Lots of great accessories in this stable make it impressive, very realistic for a child to enjoy and explore their creativity. A great addition to the house and other sets. Highly recommend.

  33. WilheminaBollin says:


    Meine Tochter lieb den Stall. Macht einen guten Eindruck und ist dabei nicht so riesig. Wir haben ihn auf dem dazugehrigen Schleich Teppich stehen.

  34. Anonymous says:


    Neben einem anderen Schleichprodukt,war auch der Pferdestall ein Weihnachtsgeschenk,fr eine 3 Jhrige.

    Wie nun mal blich bei Schleicht,sind die Gegenstnde von guter Qualitt und beim vernnftigen Umgang auch haltbar.

    Das Kind war auf jeden Fall super glcklich,somit ein erfolgreiches Weihnachtsfest.

  35. AliciaTerpstra says:

     United Kingdom

    love the detail of these animals and my grandson adores them

  36. Anonymous says:


    Super toller Stall mit vielen Details
    Typische Schleich Qualitt .
    Unsere Tochter liebt ih

  37. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    My daughter absolutely loved this. She was able to build it herself and has had hours of fun playing with it.

  38. Anonymous says:


    Schleich super zu Weihnachten ca. 50 bezahlt viele tolle Sachen nicht nur Pferde

  39. PearlHelton says:


    Ma fille est ravie ! Assez facile a monter . Le seul bmol, le tobogan ne tiens pas bien sur le ct mais elle adore ces chevaux

  40. Eric Brackett says:


    Ich habe unsere Enkelin gefragt, sie ist sehr zufrieden mit dem neuesten Schleich-Geschenk ihrer Groeltern !

  41. LakeishaWesolow says:


    Wie immer uerst gute Qualitt.
    Es kann aber nicht sein, dass das Paket ohne Umverpackung versendet wird. Erstens der zum Glck nur leicht kaputte und die Aufkleber direkt auf dem Karton.

  42. LanceCaruso says:


    Einfach nur toll! Meine Tochter hat sich den Stall zu Weihnachten gewnscht und war vllig auer sich als dieser unterm Baum stand.
    Es sind wunderschne, liebevolle Details zu finden. Total s ist das Loch” in der Seite vom Stall, extra fr die kleine Maus.
    Die 2 enthaltenen Pferde sind wirklich gro und krftig gebaut. Der Sattel passt nicht ganz optimal auf die Pferde aber darber knnen wir hinwegsehen.
    Die Rutsche ist total cool findet meine Tochter, weil nicht nur die Heu- und Strohballen hinunter rutschen knnen, sondern auch die kleinen Kken, die Katze oder die Menschen.
    Alles in allem ein absolut gelungener und liebevoll gestalteter Stall!

  43. Mike Colucci says:


    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersIn Summe sehr schn und von guter Qualitt. Mir gefllt es soo gut. Interessanterweise haben sich in den 24h seit auspacken alle 3 meiner Mdels (7, 5, 2 1/2) aber mehr mit dem playmobil beschftigt welches sie zeitgleich bekommen haben. Msste ich nochmal entscheiden wrde ich vielleicht playmobil nehmen. Zumal es da soo viel gibt und dann alles kompatibel wre.

    Was mir persnlich auf die Nerven geht… 1. Kein zaumzeug (Aber 1 sattel), 2. Die rutsche kann man nicht richtig befestigen, nur daneben stellen 3. Dadurch dass man die reiterin nicht bewegen kann ( nicht hinstellen, hinsetzen, legen) ist das spiel etwas eingeschrnkt meiner Meinung nach.

  44. VictorGarza says:


    Der Pferdestall ist sehr schn und hat dem Kind sehr gut gefallen. Leider fehlte einer der oberen Teile der Auenboxtren mit Bogen. Stattdessen war eine der unteren Tren doppelt vorhanden, aber natrlich nicht verwendbar. Dies ist auch dem Kind sofort aufgefallen und es war darber etwas entuscht. Eigentlich darf so etwas nicht passieren…

    Nachtrag vom 27.01.2020:
    Ich hatte die fehlende Tr direkt bei Schleich reklamiert und der Kundenservice hat sehr souvern und zgig reagiert. Das fehlende Teil wurde zugeschickt, so dass jetzt alles komplett ist.

  45. AnnieGuyton says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersOur household is a huge fan of the Schleich brand products and after our first purchase we began adding pieces here and there whenever possible. Overall Schleich, including this particular playset, are extremely high quality, very elaborately detailed, and nearly unbreakable. They’re tailored towards older children however some of the sets can also be enjoyed by younger children (my daughter is 4 and LOVES her Schleich toys).

    This Schleich Horse Stable is the first set from the Farm World line that we’ve owned. It is one of the sets that is probably better suited for an older child, unless you wanted to remove some of the tiny items like the kittens, ducks, mouse and small food items, then it would be just fine for younger children. I like the authenticity of the pulley for the bucket, the rollers to move the hay in the loft, and as always all of the items, even the smallest pieces, have amazing detail and quality. I would caution that some younger children might get frustrated with a few of the items like the ladder and the slide because they don’t attach to the building so they have a tendency to get knocked over by clumsy little toddler hands.

    Be prepared for a considerable amount of assembly when you buy any set like this from Schleich. Fortunately all of the items are bagged separately and the instructions are some of the best and most user-friendly that I’ve seen. Each page has a large picture of what needs to be assembled, the steps are numbered and shown in one piece at a time steps making assembly about as painless as possible.

    Overall, this is an awesome little set with lots of little detailed pieces and is a great addition to our Schleich collection. I look forward to buying more of the Farm World sets to add to our little village of Schleich toys.

  46. CelsaFitzsimons says:


    Bellissimo gioco , curato nei particolari , animali incredibilmente realistici , parti in plastica resistenti anche ai bambini meno delicati . Non avevo mai acquistato prodotti Schleich prima , ma credo che ne acquister ancora in futuro per compleanni o festivit.

  47. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersMy 5 year old Grandaughter was so happy she started crying when she saw this so it’s safe to say that the kids loved it. It’s a high end quality brand in my opinion and the item is very well made and constructed. The price is cringy but look at any dollhouse or horse set and see that the prices just aren’t that far apart, some are way more than this for some items made of thin plastic and cardboard.

    I have done my research on this because my granddaughter wanted a dollhouse set by you-know-who and I just couldn’t see paying that much for such cheap items but this is a lot more substantial in value & quality and a great substitute for the “she who shall not be named” dollhouse & horse barns. Kids love horses and this one was a HUGE win with all of my grandkids. 4 stars.

    *If this review helped you make an informed choice about this product in any way I would appreciate it if you take a moment of your time and let me know by hitting the Helpful button and letting me know. I appreciate that you took the time to read my review, Thank you!*

  48. Anonymous says:

     United States

    I love the detail in this set. There are so many detailed pieces. It is for ages 3 to 8 but since there are so many small pieces, just make sure that your little one is beyond putting toys into their mouths or supervise them closely. There are so many little pieces to play with which is great for creative play that uses a lot of props.

    I really would have liked to see both characters have several articulation points rather than just one. The male figure can be articulated into different positions but the female figure can really only ride the horse. This limits play and role playing somewhat so I dinged it a star for that.

    Overall, it is a quality playset with a lot of detailed pieces and plenty of creative play options.

    At the time of this review the retail price was around $96 which is reasonable for the quality.

  49. Max McHone says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersI am so impressed by this set!!! The quality is outstanding and the details are so intricate. Everything in this set was held to a very high standard and I found no slack anywhere.
    The set features a barn and came with two horses, three ducklings, a kitten, and a little mouse. It also had two people, one male and one female rider. It had one saddle but no bridle. The figures were all made out of hard rubber and are about the same size as the single figurines one can find in stores, so this can definitely be extended with other brands’ animals as well.
    I was very impressed with the functionality of everything, especially the pulley and bucket!
    All the doors slid or clicked open effortlessly, ideal for little hands.
    My son is three and he enjoyed playing with it a lot. It did have some very small parts to it, so use your own judgement.
    The entire barn was fairly easy to put together..there was only one part where I struggled to clip it in place, but the directions were very clear and easy to follow.
    I would definitely recommend this set, it’s expensive but well worth it!!

    Highest Quality!!

  50. Anonymous says:

     United States

    This is more like a barn to me, but whatever. My daughter plays farm a LOT, in fact she basically only plays farm or other animal games and has for years. This is perfect for hay storage and her goats and donkeys, she says. This is not a huge barn, but it is plenty large for Schleich and other like sized animals. It went together easily and is on par with quality expected from this and other like companies. Overall we are happy with this – cute details and lots of fun!

  51. Anonymous says:

     United States

    I’m giving this 5 stars, just from the appearance and reviews I’ve read. I don’t know much about it as of yet, and will give a more insightful review later, for this was gotten to give as a Christmas prize to my great-niece, who thinks she is an equestrian in the making.

  52. Anonymous says:

     United States

    She’s not getting a pony, but here’s the next best thing. This is the second Schleich Play said that we have ordered for a little one. She’s at that phase where she is all about everything related to horses and riding. While where we live, really isn’t practical for getting a horse stable this is the next best alternative for her creative and imaginative young little mind. The set is phenomenal. His toy manufacture does a great job both in quality and detail. This set is loaded with small details. Included with it are two humans and two horse figurines. Additionally there are countless other small little animal figurines, a few ducks a cat some ice, and numerous other little food and scenery accessories. All of which helped to create a very detailed scene. Our little ones I’ve had a blast playing with us and combining it with other sets from the series. It is super simple to put together, and the little ones did it nearly entirely themselves. Overall it is a good toy, as provided hours of fun for a little ones. I’m sure will do the same for yours as well

  53. Anonymous says:

     United States

    This set comes with everything needed to start playing right away. The instructions are colorful and easy to follow. Each piece is well made, packaged and easy to assemble. Part of the fun of playing with this set is its assembly. Once completed Paul and Laura (the farmers) are ready to start their day. You get animals, a ton of accessories and 2 dolls (Paul & Laura) to begin your fun.
    If you have a child that loves horses or wants to be a vet this is a really fun set for them to have and play with. Detail work is over the top on everything. Excellent construction.

  54. Anonymous says:

     United States

    This playset is recommended for ages 3+ but I’d really say it’s for the 5 and up crowd. The small pieces are very small and younger kids will need help with initial assembly. The individual characters are realistic looking and there’s a good variety of different items for imaginative play. I do wish the people were able to move more freely so both could ride the horses or pose in other ways. Scheich is a great brand and my daughter has enjoyed them for years.

  55. David Watsky says:

     United States

    My daughter is in love with this horse playset. She is a animal lover and this playset is perfect for her. She likes to give the horse jumping and flying lessons. They have their own barn/stable she likes to put them in to “rest their bones” before she makes them fly or jump again. Keeps her busy and she enjoys it so its a win win all around.

  56. JulianeSteffen says:

     United States

    This included every accessory necessary for “adequate” play, meaning we didn’t have to pluck carrots from the Shopkins, a pitchfork from the Calico Critters, or hay from the Barbie barn – it is ALL included. This makes it possible to actually complete tasks while our little girl is playing, where as the issue is typically a constant “can you help me find” or, “can you get me my” in order to set up new toys with likeness to this one. INCREDIBLE. Very detailed, durable, entertaining and cleanup is a breeze.

    It does come disassembled, but assembly was super simple and did not take but 10 minutes at most. There are a lot of baggie-type packets of individual accessories/pieces to open, which generates a bit of plastic waste, but with a pair of children’s scissors, opening the packs kept our 8 year old entertained during assembly, and we tossed the plastic in the recycling receptacle when we were cleaning up.

  57. YODLuisalej says:

     United States

    Great set. The kids haven’t been able to put it down. There are lots of animals to play with and they are endlessly fascinated by it. It does have some small parts that need to be watched and required some adult assembly but it’s well made and offers hours of entertainment.

  58. dxdecker says:

     United States

    Love love love!!! Very fun and perfect for anyone who loves pony. Great great fun and interactive piece. Keeps my nieces entertained for hours.

    The quality is great and the colors are spot on. I am so glad I got this. It’s a great addition to our toy collection.

  59. AnnettWilliam says:

     United States

    This is the property of a six year old girl and she LOVES it! She had been into Pretty Ponies and this is a natural segue into a “real” horse play set. She is enjoying it very much and plays for long stretches, taking care of stable, feeding, etc.

  60. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersBoy did this make the little nieces and nephews happy! In fact all three really enjoyed this set, and played with some toy horse, and other animals to make it all seem “real” (the lion laid down with the horse?). Great for little imaginations, extremely well made, lots of fun to assemble and play with. There is even little fruits to feed the horses!

    Equipped with hay racks, drinking troughs and tack holder.

    Contents:1 x horse stable, 1 x Mustang mare, 1 x Mustang foal, 1 x leisure rider, 12 x paddock, 2 x flower box, 1 x leisure saddle, 1 x bridle, 1 x headstall, 1 x blanket, 4 x saddle holder, 4x feeding rack, 4 x drinking trough, 1 x feeding box, 1 x carrot, 2 x green apple, 2 x red apple, 1 x pitchfork, 1 x hay bale, 1 x straw bale, 1 x sticker shee

  61. Troy Christian says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersCool plat set. new colorful horse stable offers lots of fun features and provides endless fun for little ones! With 7 cute animals, 2 horse boxes, farmers Paul and Laura, and of course, lots of accessories, it is easy to reproduce all the daily work on the farm. While the farmer’s wife prepares to go for a ride, farmer Paul uses the hoist to transport new feed to the hayloft.

  62. TerenceLahr says:

     United States

    Kids will have hours of fun playing with the Schleich Horse Stable. The stable is open with two stalls for two horses and a hayloft. The two farmers that come with the stable can have an enjoyable day – doing chores, climbing up the ladder, sending hay down the slide, playing with the cat and riding horses. As an adult who loves horses, even I was itching to get on my hands and knees and enter this delightful scene which colorfully mimics the real world.

  63. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersI have had the opportunity to review a couple of the Schleich sets. On the Amazon sites, they are all described as appropriate for ages three and up. However, the boxes state that the horse series are generally 5 to 12 and seem too detailed for a younger child. This horse stable from the Farm set really is appropriate for a 3+ year old (box says 3 to 8). A three year old would likely need help with the original construction–which is very straightforward following clear, illustrated instructions–but could learn to fix any parts that might come loose. Once the stable is constructed, there are fewer small pieces than the other sets, thus fewer to keep track of, but these are pieces designed well for play value: carrots and apples for the horses, a pitchfork and hay, three ducks and a kitten, and even a little mouse that has its own hole in the stable wall. The male character comes articulated for posing; the female is not, but has legs wide for riding the two horses (saddle included). There are enough moving parts for good play, enough pieces for the imagination, but not an overload. It really should be a lot of fun for a child who is big enough not to mouth everything and risk choking. A great little set.