Pregnancy Test Strips (HCG20) with 20 Free Urine Cups, Reliable and Quick Pregnancy Tests Early Detection, Early Pregnancy Tests, Fertility Test for Wome

Origin: China

100 Responses

  1. Jason Truitt says:

     Canada 🇨🇦

    Very good for money, works just as well as clear blue or other early detection test. Very accurate also

  2. Prados-Suarez B Molina C Pena Yanez C Prados de Reyes M says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    I wasn’t sure if these were accurate, but I tested these strips on multiple days just to see the line boldness increase! These work so good!! And you really can’t beat the price!

    I wasn’t sure if these were accurate, but I tested these strips on multiple days just to see the line boldness increase! These work so good!! And you really can’t beat the price!

  3. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Econmico por buena cantidad de tiras no e tenido evaporacin con estas tiras

  4. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    The tests i took were always accurate! I Love MomMed 🙂

  5. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    I’ve heard good reviews about these pregnacy test and I love them I had already purchased before In my husband account and they were good.

  6. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Tests were very easy to use and read! Will order more in future!

  7. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Comes with cups which is a perfect non-absorbent place to set the strip while you wait the excruciating 5 minutes

  8. Anonymous says:

     Spain 🇪🇸

    Muy buenos test, que por el precio son ideales cuando, como es mi caso, no te viene la menstruacin de forma regular y necesitas descartar embarazo. Muy recomendado.

  9. Anonymous says:

     France 🇫🇷

    Je suis suivie en Pma pour Fiv …
    Je voulais savoir avant la prise de sang, et ses teste mon directement donn des rsultats positifs et plus j avanait dans la grossesse plus les trai tait fonc, j’en avai acheter 20 . Et j en ai utilis que 10

  10. Anonymous says:


    Cheaper in the long run! Grab these if you check for conception often 🙂

  11. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersThese tests work VERY well. I tested with them starting at 10 DPO and saw the faintest line with my FMU. Tested with a FRER immediately after and barely saw anything. I was pretty surprised because I have always found FRER to be able to detect pregnancy the earliest. Continued to test with these and FRER and eventually both of them got much darker. I like using these because you don’t feel bad about testing early and, even better, they are extremely sensitive! Definitely recommend 🙂

  12. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Accurate, easy to use and read. I won’t buy any other brand.

  13. FrancinElsberry says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Die Testlinie zeigt an wie sie soll. Die HCG Linie wird, egal wie hoch mein HCG Wert auch ist, nie so dunkel wie die testlinie. Ist ok wenn man es wei aber htte auch gerne anders sein drfen.

  14. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    These will save you a lot of money. They work just as good! Found I was pregnant 10 days after ovulation.

  15. Kevin says:


    Ce sont des teste 25ui qui ont dtect ma grossesse dpo10, j’tais 21ui aprs prise de sang. 2 jours aprs (dpo12 sur la photo) le test ne fonce pas beaucoup alors qu’ la prise de sang je suis 64ui… donc pas de stress. Il dtecte la grossesse prcocement mais ne pas utiliser pour valuer l’volution du taux HCG. Facile d’utilisation. Et ne m’a pas fait de faux positifs.

    Détection précoce mais ne colore pas beaucoup

  16. Anonymous says:


    Me detect el embarazo 4 das antes de mi primera falta

    Súper sensible

  17. Anonymous says:


    I got tests from this brand before and they were accurate and good . This time some time them were defected and i couldn’t even see the control strip

  18. Dua Rashid says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    The tests work great and I love that I get a little cup. The cup could be a little bigger, but since this is the first brand I’ve tried that gives a cup I’m giving 5 starts for the cup!

  19. TonyConnery says:

     United States

    These worked great for me. They showed a positive faster than clearblue and first response. I was able to detect the pregnancy 2 weeks after conception with these.

    My initial positive test was a very faint line and as my pregnancy progressed, the line got darker and more clear. I tested one in a cup of water and it showed a negative result.

    Great test especially for the price.

  20. DiegoGoodrich says:


    Son tiras, lo que unido a comprarlo a travs de Amazon y no en farmacia, abarata mucho el precio.
    He ledo en comentarios que no tiene lnea de evaporacin pero claro que la tiene, como todos. Es por eso que incican en el prospecto que el resultado hay que verlo en mximo 5 minutos.
    En mi caso los us a la, semana despus de una transferencia de un embrin de 5 das ya que la beta de sangre con la clnica era ms tarde y si sala positivo se aliviaban los nervios.
    El positivo se marcaba pero muy leve y, a medida que pasaban los das, se marcaba ms fuerte. La beta tambin positiva. Mi experiencia es que ha detectado el positivo muy pronto por lo que los considero de calidad y fiar.
    En la foto el nmero marcado es el nmero de das de vida del embrin. Cualquier test recomiendan mnimo a los 15 das pero en mi caso cuando prob a los 12 ya lo detectaba.

    Muy recomendables

  21. DavisChelmsford says:

     Spain 🇪🇸

    Vienen muchas y con el cacharrito para recoger el pis, y gracias al asita ni te manchas.
    Os dejo foto con dos semanas de diferencia.

    Vienen muchas y súper efectivo

  22. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersI have been TTC for about 8 months. I bought these to save money over the first response test. This way I could test everyday if I wanted as well. When these tests are negative they are negative. No faint line no anything. This month I have testing a shot at 6DPO and started getting a faint line which was amazing. The line started getting darker and darker. Didn’t matter the time of day I took the test either. We confirmed with a store digital test and now blood work at the OB and we are pregnant. These tests are very sensitive but don’t give you false positives. I highly recommend these tests.

  23. JanGDPdskomyz says:

     France 🇫🇷

    Malgr ma contraception, j’en utilise 1 tout les mois.

    Franchement trs rapide, trs simple d’utilisation. Vous avez les petits pots en plastiques pour faire pipi dedans.

    Beaucoup moins cher qu’un test en pharmacie

  24. SantiagUig says:

     United States

    We always get this brand when trying! It’s quite a deal and we always get quick accurate results! We have shown positive on this prior to any of the typical branded preg tests.

  25. LucioFarrell says:

     United States

    I tested before my missed period and got my positive test! Name brand ones didn’t even pick it up. Such a blessing!

  26. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersPara mi son unos test fiables y de alta sensibilidad.
    A da 9DPO me di negativo blanco nuclear.
    A da 10DPO ya se empez a marcar sin dejar dudas que era positivo. Faltaban 4 das para la regla.
    11DPO se marca mucho ms.
    El resultado positivo tarda en salir de 2 a 4 minutos, no es instantneo.
    No puedo decir nada malo de estos test hasta el momento.

    Fiables y rápidos

  27. Anonymous says:

     United States

    The cups and the strips are so much more convenient then peeing on a stick. I really like these if I’m not trying to be super rushy about i

  28. FallonCowan says:

     United States

    This set has been helpful on my TTC journey. I like that the tests are each wrapper for good storage and that it comes with the little cups too!

  29. CredibleMarkets says:

     United Kingdom

    love these
    i use them all the time – took me a while to get pregnant and in the mental state that you get in when wondering if you’re pregnant or not (some of you know) it’s really nice to know you can use as many of these without feeling bad because they’re cheap!

  30. Anonymous says:


    Rapido e facile da usare.. ha sensibilit abbastanza bassa.. si vede anche una leggera linea dove c gravidanza

  31. EmeliaLowerson says:

     United States

    These strips have been super helpful!! I was recommended to them by a handful of friends that had used them with success! If you want to know what’s really going on and when- these are awesome! The LH ones helped us know timing and went straight of birth control to pregnant! Grateful for the HCG ones too!

  32. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I love how these have cups to help!!! The downfall is the waiting for the result as it’s 5 mins

  33. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Very happy with this product. First ever test to show I’m positive

  34. Anonymous says:

     United States


  35. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Definitely works and is sensitive. I love how they give you a bunch and the best part is it comes with mini cups to pee in which I loved. I test like crazy so these were amazing to have. Better then going to the store and buying expensive brands over and over! Finally pregnant with our rainbow

  36. CarolineSaramowicz says:

     United States

    I have always and will always use this brand. I was able to read a faint line 10 days after conception and 11 days before my missed period. (I ovulate very early) With each day the lines continued to get darker. I personally have never seen a false positive even after I went back later and looked. I’ve had a few chemical pregnancies, so I test every day to make sure the hcg is still flowing. This saves me a ton!

  37. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersNon da Ghost line! O sei incinta oppure rimane bianco gesso. Nessuna illusione!! Adoro! Avrei dato 10 stelle se avessi potuto. Sono 3 mesi che mi dava sempre bianco gesso. Questo mese apparsa una linea sbiadita ben 5 GG prima dell’arrivo del ciclo! Top

  38. kellybowerbank says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersI took my first one a few days before I even missed my period (you can see where I wrote on a few on them, those 2 are before I missed my period). Before my missed period, it took about 2 minutes for the result to show up, but it was undeniable that it was positive once the result showed up. Because this product had so many bad reviews, I took a lot more of them. Definitely positive! The last one I took (yesterday, 7 days past missed period), the pregnancy line showed up before the test control line even did. I think these are fantastic. I keep taking them, because I can’t believe I finally am pregnant! It’s been almost 7 years since I had my first child! They’re cheap enough that you can test all you want. The little cups are nice, but sometimes you spill on your fingers. If that bothers you, cut the bottom off of a plastic water bottle and use that instead. The instruction tell you to submerge the test in pee for at least 5 seconds.. I suggest 10 -15 seconds and then lay it flat. Sending baby dust to all of you TTC!! Don’t give up!

    I took my first one a few days before I even missed my period (you can see where I wrote on a few on them, those 2 are before I missed my period). Before my missed period, it took about 2 minutes for the result to show up, but it was undeniable that it was positive once the result showed up. Because this product had so many bad reviews, I took a lot more of them. Definitely positive! The last one I took (yesterday, 7 days past missed period), the pregnancy line showed up before the test control line even did. I think these are fantastic. I keep taking them, because I can’t believe I finally am pregnant! It’s been almost 7 years since I had my first child! They’re cheap enough that you can test all you want. The little cups are nice, but sometimes you spill on your fingers. If that bothers you, cut the bottom off of a plastic water bottle and use that instead. The instruction tell you to submerge the test in pee for at least 5 seconds.. I suggest 10 -15 seconds and then lay it flat. Sending baby dust to all of you TTC!! Don’t give up!

  39. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    These are accurate, got a faint positive 4 days before aunt flo was due! Lines have been getting darker everyday. I have been using these for the last 2/3 months, worth the money for cheap tests before spending on branded ones


  40. Adrian Marlow says:


    La verdad ques buen producto.

    Si que es verdad que minimo 10 me fallaron… Defectuosos… Pero los dems, bien, si que es verdad, q cuando me dio positivo, no tardo nada en salirme, pero supuestamente estaba de ms y eso que me hacia uno cada semana… Y los dos anteriores me dijeron negativo, y dicho por comadrona estoy de 9 semanas… Y los a teriores negativos.. posibles falsos negativos.. cn esto quiero decir q aun q de negativo, probarlo al da siguiente por si acaso!
    Pero la verdad q volveria a comprarlo sin dudarlo!!

  41. Kisha6766xssz says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    I had much doubt on the accuracy of this with it being so cheap. I got a light stripe at first two days before my missed period thinking it may be a mistake. I took it the next two days and it gradually got darker. I still doubted and bought more expensive ones just to confirm what it had shown that I was pregnant.

  42. Anonymous says:


    Fiable, j’avais des doutes en lisant certains commentaires. Ils ont bien affich les deux lignes, bien visibles quand je les ai test. C’tait le soir la veille de mes rgles, et j’avais bu pas mal d’eau avant. J’en ai fait deux dans le mme rcipient, et ayant peur de faux positifs j’ai refait un aprs juste avec 3gouttes (plus envie de faire pipi lol) les deux lignes sont bien apparues. Je recommande niveau qualit prix et bien pratique d’avoir les petites coupes plastiques.

  43. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersThese pregnancy tests 100% work! A great affordable way to be able to do multiple tests. I also like that they supply cups for the urine samples. Very easy to use. Wish I knew about these a long time ago!

    These results were 10 days before expected period.

    These results are 10 days before expected period.

    100% work!

  44. Anonymous says:


    Fatto un po’ per caso in un giorno in cui mi sentivo ‘strana’ risultato subito positivo. Successiva corsa in farmacia per acquistarne altri di marche diverse e test ripetuto a distanza di cinque ore. In totale ho fatto cinque test di tre diverse marche ma questo stato il pi rapido nel dare il risultato e anche quello in cui la seconda linea risultava pi marcata e che quindi visivamente sembrava togliere ogni dubbio. Decisamente consiglio il prodotto soprattutto visto il rapporto qualit prezzo. In base alla mia esperienza non ha nulla da invidiare a test pi costosi di marche rinomate, anzi.

  45. Christa73W says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    It’s quite accurate but very thin and flimsy. If you have large fingers then like my wife you will face difficulty to handle it.

  46. DorisMcAulay says:

     United States

    The tests work but we’re showing very faint positives that took the full 5 minutes to develop. In second picture, I took both clear blue and the bottom strip. As you can see the bottom strip is showing a very faint line. Overall, they’re good tests especially for the price but it’s nice to confirm with one where you get a more clear reading.

    The tests work but we’re showing very faint positives that took the full 5 minutes to develop. In second picture, I took both clear blue and the bottom strip. As you can see the bottom strip is showing a very faint line. Overall, they’re good tests especially for the price but it’s nice to confirm with one where you get a more clear reading.

  47. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersGood value, love the convenience. In theory they work, but definitely not for early detection.

    I received my first positive test at 11 days post ovulation (3 days before missed period) on a drugstore test. These strips did not provide me a positive result until 15 days post ovulation (1 day after my missed period).

    ot as accurate but works ok

  48. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Easy to use and seems like they work as intended! During my first pregnancy these efficiently and clearly showed I was positive for pregnancy with two nice full lines. If you’re experiencing issue with a test please note you may be extremely late for a periodthis happened to me once and im usually spot on regulartravel had affect my cycle, OR wait until your hcg is higher. Can be lots of reasons for negative result when positive expected. Had no issues with false positive on these. Happy customer!

  49. KayleneDarbyshi says:

     United Kingdom

    The instructions make the kit easy to use, and help us along our ttc journey!

  50. TMXPreston says:


    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersViendo diversos test de embarazo llegue a la conclusin de que un test sensible es de 10 mlU/ml y un test normal es de 25 mlU/ml. Este ltimo es un test para hacerte cuando ya tienes al menos 1 da de falta… Por lo tanto, este test es para realizarlo cuando Tienes falta!

    Por ansias, yo, como todas, quera conocer ya si estaba embarazada, y 5 das antes de la falta me hice un test clear blue ultra sensible 10 mlU/ml y me dio negativo. Comenc con este test de 25 mlU/ml 2 das antes de la falta y ya me dio un positivo tenue. Os dejo imagen con la evolucin del positivo en diferentes das. Espero sea de utilidad.

    100% fiable.

  51. Anonymous says:

     United States

    I got these cause I’m a bit obsessive about testing when I “think” I might be pregnant. I used them for one cycle that I wasn’t pregnant, and the tests I used were a stark white negative. Not even an evap line to be seen! This cycle I waited until 2 days before my period was due to take one. I felt like my period was coming, but my husband asked me to take one just in case. I was dumbfounded when I spotted a faint positive after about 2 minutes. The longer the test sat, the more visible that second line became. I honestly didn’t believe it and chalked it up to a faulty test. I took a test the following morning, same thing but the line was a little darker. That day I dipped a second test in water to check the accuracy of the tests. The water test was nothing but negative. The day of my missed period the line was a smidge darker, so I decided to uses my FRER and got a clear, bold positive. I’ve been cramping every day and am concerned about my new little bean, so I’ve continued to test with these each morning. Each day the line gets darker, so I would say they definitely work and are definitely accurate! The first picture included is from the day of my missed period. The second is the positive test from 2 days before my missed period.

    I got these cause I'm a bit obsessive about testing when I "think" I might be pregnant. I used them for one cycle that I wasn't pregnant, and the tests I used were a stark white negative. Not even an evap line to be seen! This cycle I waited until 2 days before my period was due to take one. I felt like my period was coming, but my husband asked me to take one just in case. I was dumbfounded when I spotted a faint positive after about 2 minutes. The longer the test sat, the more visible that second line became. I honestly didn't believe it and chalked it up to a faulty test. I took a test the following morning, same thing but the line was a little darker. That day I dipped a second test in water to check the accuracy of the tests. The water test was nothing but negative. The day of my missed period the line was a smidge darker, so I decided to uses my FRER and got a clear, bold positive. I've been cramping every day and am concerned about my new little bean, so I've continued to test with these each morning. Each day the line gets darker, so I would say they definitely work and are definitely accurate! The first picture included is from the day of my missed period. The second is the positive test from 2 days before my missed period.

  52. KieraSisco says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    I bought these as an affordable way to check every now and again for peace of mind. I had gotten several accurate, easy to read negative results in months prior. The 5 minute time frame is very important as I thought this was another negative, but right before I threw away my test I saw the faint line! But if you wait too long you might see an evaporation line that could be confusing or look like a false positive. I was 5ish weeks pregnant, the second picture is at 6 weeks.

    I bought these as an affordable way to check every now and again for peace of mind. I had gotten several accurate, easy to read negative results in months prior. The 5 minute time frame is very important as I thought this was another negative, but right before I threw away my test I saw the faint line! But if you wait too long you might see an evaporation line that could be confusing or look like a false positive. I was 5ish weeks pregnant, the second picture is at 6 weeks.

  53. MiquelJFNP says:

     United Kingdom

    I was happy with the test strips, easy to use and not too expensive. The quantity allows you to take multiple tests over multiple days to ensure accuracy.

  54. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Works excellently well and very fast results. You don’t have to wait so long if the HCG concentration is high.

  55. MariaHardeman says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Way more affordable option for someone trying to conceive that’s taking multiple tests every month. No evaps or indents. They are kinda skinny and flimsy but that’s expected for the price. It’s a learning curve with the little pee cups they send. They are tiny and I may or may not have gotten my hand as well the first few times.

  56. WildaCarnevale says:

     Spain 🇪🇸

    Por el precio comparado con otros test est muy bien y si que son precisos, la nica pegaque le dara es que la lnea del positivo sale demasiado floja y algunas veces tarda ms tiempo del indicado (prob con varias tiras en momentos diferentes) te hace dudar del resultado, acabe comprando otro por las dudas.

  57. Matt Bertz says:

     United Kingdom

    Amazing tests! Used them to monitor my hcg levels which indicated they where in fact rising!

  58. LorrieFurey says:

     United Kingdom

    Not had a problem with these so far and have used fairly regularly and have give accurate readings.

  59. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Quick and easy to use. Useful sample collection cups provided.

  60. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Great product, Easy to use and results show quickly, comes with the cup, however cup is small you need to be very careful in order to prevent spillage.

  61. Laura Miller says:

     United Kingdom

    Really impressed with the product, would definitely buy again in the future

  62. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I’m very happy with this product. Really easy to use and quick result. Definitely recommending.

    Very good

  63. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Love these tests. Cups are provided for convenience and came really quickly

  64. Florence Templeton says:

     United Kingdom

    These were recommended to me to use on our ttc journey. No positive tests yet but these have been great so far, easy to use and read.

  65. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Definitely worth the purchase. Very easy to use. Results in seconds. No hassle at all.

  66. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Very good. Quick and effective – the pee tubs are a great addition too

  67. Jasper Nikki says:

     United Kingdom

    Very fast delivery and nice and small for easily taking other places.

  68. LeonoraCollick says:

     United Kingdom

    They worked well for me ! I was a bit worried at Frist as a couple of people said they weren’t great , but I’ve never had any problems with them.

    Good !!!!

  69. MargariSellar says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersI’m going through IVF so I know exactly how far along I am. I’ve been testing every day for the past week and I got my first positive squinter this morning at 3 weeks 6 day pregnant. With First Response pregnancy test my first positive was around 3 weeks 2 days, but it was also $4 per test vs 30 cents. If you just want to test every time a period is late, then this test is perfect. If you want early results, it’s better to spend more money on First Response.

    I’m going through IVF so I know exactly how far along I am. I’ve been testing every day for the past week and I got my first positive squinter this morning at 3 weeks 6 day pregnant. With First Response pregnancy test my first positive was around 3 weeks 2 days, but it was also $4 per test vs 30 cents. If you just want to test every time a period is late, then this test is perfect. If you want early results, it’s better to spend more money on First Response.

  70. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 42 From Our UsersThis product was very accurate and helped me get my BFP before other similar products tested positive. One box is enough for a few cycles so cost per cycle is wayy less than other testing kits, I am very happy with my purchase!

  71. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Amazing reviews, 1st time buying and I’m looking forward to start my journey with this product.

  72. UBDOnitatx says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 8 From Our UsersAbs fabulous. 1st faint positive at 10dpo. Granted using for line progression can be a little tedious in comparison to other brands they have still shown progression within line depth.

  73. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 40 From Our UsersDoes Exactly what it says on the box. Fast and accurate

  74. IngeAJRXuwb says:

     United Kingdom

    The product was fast and so easy to use, very handy for emergencys

  75. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Very faint 2nd lines but only 12DPO. But used alongside other tests. But good affordable price. Would recommend if it’s to test after a missed period for more accuracy.

  76. Rachel Cavanaugh says:

     United Kingdom

    Works perfectly, and very convenient for the large number you ge

  77. Cassity says:

     United Kingdom

    This product is perfect for me, I can’t wait to use them more

  78. AntonettaGuevar says:

     United Kingdom

    You get loads for your money but they are a bit small. Had no hope with a positive one yet tho.

  79. MackenzGrout says:

     United Kingdom

    I really like this product, really good value for money, lines appear really dark!!

  80. Dianne41Sf says:

     United Kingdom

    Simple, came with a urine cup as well. Accurate result. Bulk buy as on pill so don’t get periods

  81. RobertaLogue says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    So i had a misscarige last month ive also been spotting the past week, very light though i thought this was just a light period but something told me to take a test . . . well so far ive taken 6 and all of them came back positive soooo idk if im really pregnant again and so soon and spotting as well? Idk i guess ill find out when i go to the drs next month so far it seems like a decent enough product though

  82. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersFalse positives given on clear blue early and first response but these remained negative I wasn’t pregna

  83. DarylCorcoran says:

     United Kingdom

    Product was priced great, shipped quickly, and customer service is friendly

  84. MarcelGerber says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersThese did good for what they are. It takes a much higher level of hcg in the system to show positive on the mom med (25 mUI/mL) versus FRER (which is around 5 mUI/mL I believe) so when a FRER was already showing a very clear line these did not show almost at all until starting to dry out (this was the case for several days of testing) which honestly kept me nervous that things weren’t progressing like they should or that maybe my levels weren’t getting above 25. However, on very close inspection I could see that they were getting darker and by the 4th day the line showed much better before drying out. The attached picture is after both tests are dried out from my third day of testing in the AM, but before they dried it was very hard for my husband to see the line on the mommed. If you need early results I wouldn’t use these but if your like me and like to keep testing to make sure your line is getting darker then these are great.

    These did good for what they are. It takes a much higher level of hcg in the system to show positive on the mom med (25 mUI/mL) versus FRER (which is around 5 mUI/mL I believe) so when a FRER was already showing a very clear line these did not show almost at all until starting to dry out (this was the case for several days of testing) which honestly kept me nervous that things weren’t progressing like they should or that maybe my levels weren’t getting above 25. However, on very close inspection I could see that they were getting darker and by the 4th day the line showed much better before drying out. The attached picture is after both tests are dried out from my third day of testing in the AM, but before they dried it was very hard for my husband to see the line on the mommed. If you need early results I wouldn’t use these but if your like me and like to keep testing to make sure your line is getting darker then these are great.

  85. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Have used these several times, very happy with convenience and value

  86. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 43 From Our UsersWorks great! I bought these because of the reviews and I’m glad I did! Very clear and a lot cheaper than the brand names. We only got the brand one after to see how far along I am.

    Brilliant, very reliable

  87. StepaniSZLS says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersThe faint line is the devil lol, they’re not sensitive I start testing in my first day of my missing period the first 2 days negative, the third day start a faint line I had to use a flash light yo see it, I test it every day one or more times for 6 days after my first missing period and I could see clearly the line on the 6 day. I had to order a pregnancy test of another brand to confirm but was fun for the price, if you are trying to get pregnant and don’t want to be expending a lot of money every month I recommend it, hope this review helps another buyers.

    The faint line is the devil lol, they’re not sensitive I start testing in my first day of my missing period the first 2 days negative, the third day start a faint line I had to use a flash light yo see it, I test it every day one or more times for 6 days after my first missing period and I could see clearly the line on the 6 day. I had to order a pregnancy test of another brand to confirm but was fun for the price, if you are trying to get pregnant and don’t want to be expending a lot of money every month I recommend it, hope this review helps another buyers.

  88. Matt Kollat says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 41 From Our UsersLove the pregnancy test’s and cups they come with. They have always been accurate for me.

  89. MelindaChastain says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersI didn’t start monitoring with these strips until 13 DPO, so I can’t speak to their accuracy at very low levels of HCG.
    For those who want to compare sensitivities between different tests, I have attached a progression series of this brand and AccuMed, which were tested on identical urine samples.

    I found this brand provided more nuance in the 13 DPO – 17 DPO range, and it was reassuring to monitor my steadily rising HCG levels.

    My preferred brand in very early pregnancy is AccuMed (second picture), which appears to be more calibrated towards lower levels of HCG and returned a clear line at 9 DPO.

    Incidentally, FRER did not return any line whatsoever until 11 DPO.

    Great for monitoring line progression, possibly less sensitive at lower levels of HCG

  90. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    I think most females can relate that every other month at least we get a little paranoid and will take every little symptom we feel and worry about pregnancy. I’m on the pill and I worry about it a lot. I’m spotting a little am I pregnant? My boobs hurt what if?… I’m craving this , oh no.. and pregnancy tests are expensive!!! I like having these because it’s less plastic, comes in a big quantity so I have them handy if I feel worried. I haven’t had a false negative so far so I’m assuming they’re accurate. I at first thought the little cups provided were a joke, but I rather use that instead of dedicating a pee cup to this. It took time to adjust to the tiny cup but you make it work.

  91. Patsy79Pzpkoed says:

     United States

    I started testing 7 days before my missed period. By day 5 before my missed period, I could make out the faintest of faint second line. I ruled this out as possibly an evaporation line, even though the lined showed up before my timer expired. By day 3 before my missed period, I was still making out what I was concluding to be an evaporation line, so I had my husband test out one of the sticks…. no faint line for him! We realized this must mean we were pregnant. Sure enough, as I got closer to my missed period, and then after my missed period, the second line got darker and darker until it was finally darker than the control line. After confirming our TWIN pregnancy via ultrasound, I realized that the extra hCG (because of twins) was the reason I was able to see a faint line on these tests long before my missed period! They are accurate!

  92. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersGood for the price. Gave clear negatives when negative not indent issues for me. The test line doesn’t darken as dramatically as other tests which I know is disconcerting for some. I had a few dye runs in the package. At first it was because I dipped for too long but I even had some run with a 5 second dip.

    These didn’t pick up my pregnancy 3 days before my missed period. I took one to see if I was pregnant before going on a wine tasting. But I did end up with an obvious faint line at 1 day before missed period.

    The insert clearly says 25 so it’s not as sensitive as other early detection tests.

    Post a picture to compare day of missed period positive lines with a FRER and MomMed. Both obviously positive.

    Good value

  93. WilmerHarper says:

     United States

    #1 thing: Accuracy! It not only showed a clear positive at 4 weeks (the day my period was due) but also a faint positive 3 days before. The other test I had showed the 4 week result clearly, but showed nothing at 3 days prior (which is pretty common to not show before 4 weeks). So MomMed definitely stood out for its accuracy! It doesn’t even advertise early results.
    #2 easy to use: I liked the little cups. It made it easier to test, and these cups had a grip outside rhe main cup, which made it a lot cleaner.
    #3 Easy to read: results were definitely clear at 4 weeks (for those who are new to this, a light pink line is still common–it won’t look nearly as dark as the test line, not even quite by half. So don’t worry about misreading it because it’s light. A positive is a positive. If you’re still worried, take a second one then and/or test again in 3-7 days. It should be darker). But results were still pretty clear even at 3 days prior. I mostly just tested again since it was early and the other test brand wasn’t registering positive yet. Both were clearly positive (light pink line) at 4 weeks.

  94. Anonymous says:

     United States

    I wish I would have thought about buying these a long time ago. Its so much more cost effective and simple than having to go to the drug store and pay $15 for only 2 or 3 tests at most. It’s great that 20 test strips come in each box and furthermore 20 disposable cups to dip the strip into.

    I noticed a couple things in other reviews. One person claimed that the disposable cups were too difficult to use; they weren’t deep enough and dirtied your hands. Yes, they’re shallow but you just have to be mindful and control your flow. And either way I imagine we’re all washing our hands after regardless. Someone included a photo showing that the cup wasn’t deep enough to saturate the test strip all the way up to the max line. One, you just need to dip the strip at an angle and it reaches the max line. Two, since it’s labeled maximum (vs minimum) I don’t think it matters.

    All in all these tests worked perfectly for me. I got a positive result almost immediately and have continued to get a positive with progressively darker lines each time i test. I even had my husband take a test to be sure. It was negative. Lol. I included pictures of this test next to a standard pregnancy test I picked up at CVS.

    Accurate & cost-effective tests

  95. JulianLangford says:

     United States

    Sorry that it took me so long to do a review on this .. however I wasn’t actually able to use them until I needed to if you know what I mean lol . I’m seeing some mixed reviews on here how ever my experience was nothing but positive (no pun intended there I swear lol ) they’re a good price , come in pack of 20 , very neatly packaged and shipped out fast I got them the very next day .I also love that they came with a whole bunch of those clear little cups to pee in , it makes it super convenient and not messy at all you just toss them away ! With all of that being said , these strips gave me a faint positive 4 days before my actual period was due .. picture one is from before missed period picture two is DAY OF missed period . I tested two other brands just because I couldn’t believe what I was seeing but sure enough all positive and I wouldn’t have even suspected anything if it wasn’t for me testing one of these on a whim and getting a surprise second line , I also was doing some research on accurate test and they came in one of most accurate test of 2020 along with some other brands . So like I said I’ve seen some mixed reviews how ever my experience was perfectly fine , and also 4 days early is pretty good for this little strip

    Sorry that it took me so long to do a review on this .. however I wasn’t actually able to use them until I needed to if you know what I mean lol . I’m seeing some mixed reviews on here how ever my experience was nothing but positive (no pun intended there I swear lol ) they’re a good price , come in pack of 20 , very neatly packaged and shipped out fast I got them the very next day .I also love that they came with a whole bunch of those clear little cups to pee in , it makes it super convenient and not messy at all you just toss them away 👍! With all of that being said , these strips gave me a faint positive 4 days before my actual period was due .. picture one is from before missed period picture two is DAY OF missed period . I tested two other brands just because I couldn’t believe what I was seeing but sure enough all positive and I wouldn’t have even suspected anything if it wasn’t for me testing one of these on a whim and getting a surprise second line , I also was doing some research on accurate test and they came in one of most accurate test of 2020 along with some other brands . So like I said I’ve seen some mixed reviews how ever my experience was perfectly fine , and also 4 days early is pretty good for this little strip

  96. HiltonDunlea says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    I love these pregnancy tests! So much cheaper than anything I’ve bought at a pharmacy with the same accuracy. Easy to use and easy to read. I love that each test is individually wrapped and the instructions are printed on each package. I like that these come with little urine test cups so I don’t have to find my own at home but I gave this an overall 4-star rating because I wish the cups were a bit bigger, as my hand inevitably gets wet with urine when trying to use the little cup for collecting the sample. That said, this is a great value for a great quality product and I highly recommend it!

  97. Christopher Seward says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Golden Review Award: 9 From Our UsersThese tests are affordable, accurate, easy to read and come with everything you need. I love that they include the small sample cups. At this price point they will be my go-to test strips for daily checks. I did not have any issues with any of my test strips showing false positives or being faulty, and would happily recommend them.

    As somebody who goes nuts wanting to know as soon as possible and flying through tests, this is certainly the most affordable and highly recommended option that I found.

    They take up such little space and since I am always on the road and have so much to fit in my luggage, this is a tremendous bonus for me. It also makes them easy to store at home without cluttering up the area under the sink in our bathroom, or being too noticeable to guests.

    While we are putting everything on hold for the moment due to the current pandemic. I look forward to reordering this item in the future.

  98. Thomas Caughlan says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Golden Review Award: 140 From Our UsersThis product worked better than expected. I had previously bought some of the expensive First Response tests, because they were supposed to be the most accurate. I tested with these 9 DPO, and it was negative. I tested 10 DPO, and there was a very faint positive. I had dismissed it as negative at first glance, but about 15 minutes later as I was about to throw it away, I saw the very faint positive and got excited. On 11 DPO, I took two tests at the same time, one of MomMed, and one First Response. The MomMed test actually had a darker positive than First Response. From there, the positive just got darker. I was impressed with these, and how they worked better than First Response.

    The only down side, it’s hard for me to pee in the tiny cup without a lot of splashing. Just wash hands though; easy cleanup.

    Overall, highly recommend!

    Better than First Response!

  99. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Ok, so these defintely do a good job of showing a line with low hcg levels (not sure how much). I saw a very faint line only one day after seeing a faint line on a FRER (i believe 10 DPO) However, after not really seeing the line get darker after a couple days (and even fainter the third day than second) i of course worried i wad experiencing a chemical pregnancy. That still is a possibility as its very early in my pregnancy, but i did a little test of taking two test strips from the same package and I the same urine sample. There are faint lines on each strip, but one is defintely darker than the other. Defintely would recommend for early pregnancy detection but line dye is not consistent so would not use to reliably see line progression!

    Ok, so these defintely do a good job of showing a line with low hcg levels (not sure how much). I saw a very faint line only one day after seeing a faint line on a FRER (i believe 10 DPO) However, after not really seeing the line get darker after a couple days (and even fainter the third day than second) i of course worried i wad experiencing a chemical pregnancy. That still is a possibility as its very early in my pregnancy, but i did a little test of taking two test strips from the same package and I the same urine sample. There are faint lines on each strip, but one is defintely darker than the other. Defintely would recommend for early pregnancy detection but line dye is not consistent so would not use to reliably see line progression!

  100. FrancesOldfield says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersThey worked pretty well! Was overly hopeful that I would get a response before my missed period but at 9 DPO I didn’t get anything. And with spotting on top of that I honestly thought I started my period! Well turns out it wasn’t my period after all so a few days later I tried again. Took probably 20 minutes for the faded line to show up. My advice to others is be patient, let it sit for a while and you may just see what you’re hoping for! They’re good for a cheap easy check but don’t expect them to tell you a clear easy response like a first response would. I also drink a lot of water which is why I tested first thing in the morning at 9 DPO but still nothing. I’d still recommend!

    They worked pretty well! Was overly hopeful that I would get a response before my missed period but at 9 DPO I didn’t get anything. And with spotting on top of that I honestly thought I started my period! Well turns out it wasn’t my period after all so a few days later I tried again. Took probably 20 minutes for the faded line to show up. My advice to others is be patient, let it sit for a while and you may just see what you’re hoping for! They’re good for a cheap easy check but don’t expect them to tell you a clear easy response like a first response would. I also drink a lot of water which is why I tested first thing in the morning at 9 DPO but still nothing. I’d still recommend!