HUAKUA Pedometer Watch (No Bluetooth,No App) 1.47inch Touch Screen Smart Watch Fitness Tracker Step Counter Watch with Step Tracker,Calorie Tracker,Sleep Monitor,Alarm Clock,Waterproof IP68,Stopwatch

fitness tracker fitness watch smart watch without Bluetooth phone App activity tracker for kidfitness tracker fitness watch smart watch without Bluetooth phone App activity tracker for kidfitness tracker fitness watch smart watch without Bluetooth phone App activity tracker for kidfitness tracker fitness watch smart watch without Bluetooth phone App activity tracker for kidfitness tracker fitness watch smart watch without Bluetooth phone App activity tracker for kid

Dimensions: 4.2 x 2.7 x 1 cm; 29 Grams
Model: S2
Batteries Included: 1 Lithium Polymer batteries required.
Manufacture: HUAKUA
Origin: China

62 Responses

  1. Gemma Cartwright says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    This watch is easy to use and very comfortable to wea

  2. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersI bought this for my mother as she wanted a watch that could count her steps etc without needing to hook it up to a phone. She’s had it about 2 months and she seems very happy with it and loves being able to see how many steps she’s done when she’s been out and about on her various walks and trips.

    I set it on the digital time as opposed to any of the clock faces for her as it’s nice and big so she can see it easily. She doesn’t seem to have had anything negative to say about the watch.

  3. GeorgiaLovelady says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Does the job but battery life not great only lasts few days …

  4. Alfred Ng says:

     United States

    Had my niece set it up for me I Luv i

  5. Anonymous says:

     United States

    I like it and it helps me keep track of my walking and steps

  6. Anonymous says:

     United States

    I REALLY LIKE that it is not Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. I’m using it mostly as a step counter and watch. I highly recommend this product!

  7. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersI have preteens that wanted smart watches. I wanted something that would mimic that without the EMF’s & internet options. This watch has been the perfect compromise.

  8. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersLove it! I wanted something that didn’t tie to a laptop, phone or track me…I controlled it. So impressed with how easy it is. The battery wears down a little faster than I want…but I’ll deal with it.

  9. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersI wanted a watch that I didn’t have to connect to Wi-Fi, will need charging one a day, but it perfect for steps and can prompt you on other things during the day.

  10. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersI purchased this after returning a different manufacturer’s watch. I’ve had this for a few days, and….love it! It was easy to set up, I love that it counts my steps, and calories, and reminds me to drink water, all without wireless radiation. Thank you!

  11. Anonymous says:


    Auf der Suche nach einem simplen Schrittzhler fr meine Mutter, sto ich auf diese Uhr.

    Ihr Anliegen war lediglich Schritte zhlen zu knnen und diese Funktion erfllt die Uhr. Ganz ohne App und sonstigem Schnickschnack.

    Das Display ist gut ablesbar und steht diesbezglich meiner Garmin in nichts nach 😉

  12. Los Angeles Times says:


    Auch fr starke Handgelenke geeignet. Toller Schrittzhler. Wrde ihm immer wieder kaufen.

  13. DamonYYQxyx says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersVery comfortable and simple to use. Can’t beat it for the price.
    When it vibrates for notifications, it sounds a little loose and cheap, but that’s very minor.
    Very happy with it.

  14. Leo Waldock says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Set up would be easier with words to explain the pictures

  15. ShantaeChauvin says:

     United Kingdom

    A good basic watch that works well good for a non tech savvy person. It is a of a good quality and works well.

  16. TammySuggs says:


    Ich wollte einen in jeder Hinsicht einfachen Schrittzhler, ohne Schnick-Schnack und Firlefanz, ohne Handy-Kopplung. Das Gert ist jetzt seit mehreren Wochen in Gebrauch und erfllt meine Erwartungen zu 100%: Intuitive, einfache Bedienung durch Touchscreen und seitlichen Druckknopf, gute Ablesbarkeit des Displays (auch bei heller Sonne), der Akku hlt bei meiner Nutzungsweise (Display 50% gedimmt – immer noch hell genug, autom. Einschalten des Displays bei Bewegung des Handgelenks deaktiviert) gute 10 Tage und ist danach in einer 1 Stunde wieder voll aufgeladen. Die Genauigkeit der Schrittzhlung ist im direkten Vergleich mit zehnfach teureren Gerten fr mich in Ordnung. Verschiedene Laufmodi und Ziffernbltter stehen zur Auswahl. Wer einen einfachen, preiswerten und obendrein noch schicken Schrittzhler sucht, ist hier richtig, wrde ich wieder kaufen!
    Hinweis: Manche Rezensienten bemngeln eine zu kurze Akku-Laufzeit. Mal versuchsweise in den Einstellungen das automatische Einschalten des Display bei Handbewegung deaktivieren. Das verhinderte bei mir ein oft unbeabsichtigtes/unntiges Einschalten des Displays und hat die Akkulaufzeit deutlich verlngert.

  17. Anonymous says:


    Wer eine einfach zu bedienende Schrittzhler Uhr sucht, dann kann ich diese Uhr nur empfehlen.

  18. Anonymous says:

     United States

    I’ve had this watch for a couple of months now n I like a lot.

  19. Anonymous says:


    Eine wirklich sehr einfache Handhabung des Schrittzhlers
    fr ltere Leute bestens geeigne

  20. Phoebe Taplin says:


    Fait trs bien son boulot.fonctionne trs le plus .. USB pour recharge

  21. LeroyW44moqzx says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersIt is ok. Keeps track of my steps. Does not track sleep very well.

  22. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Golden Review Award: 11 From Our Users8 year old son bought this for himself. A tad big on his wrist but not a problem. Seems to work well so far, just 1 week in. He loves the step counter. No complaints. Nice display. I really appreciate that this watch does not have wifi/bluetooth.

  23. Anonymous says:


    Ho comprato questo articolo perch desideravo qualcosa di stile, ma senza quelle app che appesantiscono il telefono e non sono mail il top nella funzionalit. Questo articolo fino ad ora sta soddisfacendo la mia attuale necessit.. dalla prima ricarica del 17/05 ancora non si scaricato.
    Io lo uso principalmente come sveglia, conta passi e calorie e memo per sedentariet e per bere di pi.
    Se non si pretende tanto un prodotto che consiglio

  24. Anonymous says:


    J’ai souhait acheter une montre podomtre ne ncessitant pas de connexion et cette montre 35 euros vaut effectivement le coup. J’ai cru un bug au dpart : les pas ne se comptent pas en direct mais au bout de 15/20 pas d’affile, ce qui ne drange pas au final. Il aurait t intressant d’avoir d’office lorsque l’on inscrit ses renseignements de poids, taille, une taille de foule par dfaut selon nos donnes mais ds qu’elle est trouve aucun problme ! La batterie est trs longue comme promis et convient trs bien au poignet d’une femme. Il va aussi au poignet d’un homme, je pense mais sera plus petit que la taille de son poignet. La montre est agrable porter, mais je dplore le manque de personnalisation dans l’affichage. part quelques petits dfauts mineurs, je conseille cette montre sans problme par son utilisation agrable et simple, combine avec quelques petits outils bien utiles parfois pour se dtacher un peu de son tlphone.

  25. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    The HUAKUA smartwatch is a basic device with no Bluetooth or app compatibility which is a useful smartwatch. It’s functional and straightforward, ideal as a first smartwatch/fitness tracker.

    It has all the features that you’d expect from a smartwatch and is easy to use. It is controlled via the touch screen and is easy to use. The step tracker is reasonably accurate and the watch keeps its time. It holds its charge well and has lasted between 5-7 days between charges for me.

    Being honest you could probably get another device with more features for a similar price but if you’re after a basic watch with an accurate pedometer then you can’t go wrong with this watch.

  26. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersDas einzige was ich auszusetzen habe ist das das Akku nicht so lange hlt wie angegeben! Ansonsten bin ich aber super zufrieden! Ich wollte einen Schrittzhler,der noch ein wenig mehr kann und dieser kann sogar noch mehr! Da ich auch fter ohne mein Handy unterwegs bin erfreue ich mich jetzt an diesem tollen Teil! Fr Menschen wie mich eine super Lsung! (Kein Fitness-Freak aber jemand der auf sich Acht geben will!)

  27. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersEl reloj llega en una caja de cartn tipo comercial, con el manual de uso y el cable de carga.

    Lo que ms me gusta de este reloj es que no necesitamos sincronizarlo con un mvil para poder disfrutar de prestaciones como el control de ejercicio o monitor del sueo. Esto permite a personas menos doctas en el uso de las aplicaciones mviles poder disponer de una reloj que monitoreo su actividad diaria. Es cierto que no tendremos grficas acumuladas del ejercicio realizado durante el ao, pero no todo el mundo necesita eso, con un poco de motivacin diaria es suficiente.

    Por otro lado, la mayora de las aplicaciones mviles para el control de relojes consumen mucha batera en los mviles, siendo un lastre para estos. Si nos gusta cambiar de reloj segn la ocasin tenemos el agravante de tener que instalar varias aplicaciones de este tipo o de desvincular y vincular relojes constantemente si comparte aplicacin.

    El reloj me gusta estticamente y las funciones que incorpora funcionan bastante bien, no siendo todo lo precisas que debieran. Los materiales son correctos y es ligero y cmodo. La correa es de enganche rpido sin herramientas.

    No tiene tantas prestaciones como la mayora de relojes inteligentes del mercado. Faltan, adems del bluetooth, el medidor de ritmo cardiaco y de oxigeno en sangre. A cambio podemos estar casi una semana sin cargarlo o un par de semanas si lo utilizamos poco.

    Aun teniendo presente los buenos acabados y el correcto funcionamiento, comparado con el resto de relojes del mercado parece algo caro. Si no vivimos pendientes del mvil es un reloj bonito y prctico, pensado ms como un complemento de moda que como un asistente personal.

    Un reloj para alternar con otros sin demasiadas complicaciones

  28. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersDie hier gelieferte HUAKUA Smartwatch (No Bluetooth,No App) 1,47 Zoll” wurde mir, kostenlos zum Testen zur Verfgung gestellt. Meine Rezessionen mache ich unbeeinflusst, oft auch kritisch, so dass ich meine Ehrliche Meinung wiedergebe.

    Die hier gelieferte Smartwatch, macht optisch wie qualitativ einen guten Eindruck. Die Smartwatch sieht gut aus und ist sauber verarbeitet. Das Display kann man gut ablesen und reagiert flssig auf jede Berhrung. Man hat dabei 5 verschiedene Watchfaces zur Auswahl. Da ist sicher fr jeden etwas dabei. Sie lsst sich angenehm tragen, ohne dass sie strt. Dabei zeichnet sie die Schritte auf die man zurck legt oder auch den Schlaf. Das sind nur einige der Funktionen. Man hat auch einen Wecker und Erinnerungsmodus usw. zu Verfgung. Die Akkulaufzeit liegt bei bis zu 7 Tagen. Ich bin da eher bei 5 Tagen, was aber vollkommen ok ist. Was dem einen sein Vorteil, ist dem anderen sein Nachteil. Die Uhr hat keine Verbindung zum Handy und somit ist die Uhr Autark. Ideal fr all diejenigen, die keine Verbindung zum Handy wnschen. Dabei darf man natrlich nicht auer Acht lassen, dass diese Smartwatch eine genaue Uhrzeit anzeigt, aber Schritte, Schlafberwachung usw. Richtwerte sind. Ich bin sehr zufrieden mit dieser Uhr und trage sie gerne.

    Eine Smartwatch mal anders. Ideal fr alle die keine Handyverbindung wollen. Daher vergebe ich 5 Sterne.

  29. Anonymous says:


    Grazie ad Amazon, ho potuto testare questo articolo e di seguito potrai leggere la mia personale esperienza ed opinione, in modo da poterti aiutare a prendere una decisione informata sull’eventuale acquisto.

    Questo orogolio, attualmente venduto al costo di 34.99, arriva in un pacchettino brandizzato. All’interno c’ l’orologio disassemblato, il cavetto di ricarica e 2 manuali utente a colori.

    Assemblare l’orologio molto intuitivo, anche senza leggere il manuale, puoi vederlo direttamente nel video caricato. Per quanto riguarda l’utilizzo, l’ho trovato anche questo semplice… l’unica cosa che inizialmente non mi era piaciuta molto stata la durata dell’illuminazione dello schermo che dopo pochi secondi si spegneva a causa delle impostazioni riguardo il risparmio energetico.
    Per il resto questo contapassi totalmente diverso dai classici smartwatch che sulla cassa posteriore hanno il classico laser… ecco, era da tempo che cercavo un orologio tipo questo che quel laser non lo avesse… ed eccolo arrivato!
    Ha tante funzioni interessanti, da – appunto – il contapassi, a quelle per gli esercizi come la corsa, il timer… ma, anche, la funzione per il rilassamento… dandoci la possibilit di meditare su noi stessi per non meno di 1 minuto. Queste sono pratiche importanti, se regolarmente svolte, perch aiutano a riottenere un equilibrio psicofisico notevole.
    Per la funzione che pi di tutte mi ha colpito e che uso ormai ogni giorno e da molti giorni, la funzione sonno.
    Mi metto a letto, seleziono questa funzione attivandola e poi mi metto a dormire, quando mi sveglio, vado a disattivarla e mi segnala quante ore ho dormito. Magnifico.

    In dettaglio ti scrivo i Pro ed i Contro, secondo il mio punto di vista:
    – La batteria dura veramente tanto.
    – Design.
    – Tante funzioni interessanti.
    – Leggero.
    – Comodo.
    – Impermeabile

    – Nulla da segnalarti per il momento.

    Scritto ci, arriviamo alla conclusione…
    Lo sto usando regolarmente da varie settimane e mi trovo bene. Poi, mi ricorda anche di bere e di non stare troppo tempo seduto al pc; cosa saggia e giusta.

    Quindi, per tutto ci scritto (basandomi sull’articolo arrivato), la mia personale valutazione eccellente… 5 stelle su 5.

    Ps: In caso di novit effettuer un aggiornamento.

    Ti saluto con la speranza d’aver risposto alle tue domande, dubbi o semplicemente alle tue curiosit… grazie per aver letto le mie parole e spero che questa mia recensione ti sia stata utile…
    Alla prossima!

    HUAKUA - Orologio Contapassi: Tante funzioni, per un orologio che si usa senza App.

  30. Savanna28N says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersSmartwatch sencillo y bsico totalmente independiente
    Cundo lo valoras podras hacerlo o muy bien o tirando a bajo, segn que buscas y que necesidades necesitas cubrir.

    Si quieres el tpico smartwatch con infinidad de funciones, entre ellas que sea conectado con el mvil para que te avise de llamadas, mensajes, etc… ste no es tu reloj, tienes que buscar otra opcin.

    Yo quera un reloj que sus funciones fueran hora, pasos, caloras … pero sobretodo que no tuviera necesidad de utilizarlo con el smartphone, Y ste es el reloj indicado.
    Es cmodo de llevar, ligero, funcional y con una buena relacin calidad-precio.

    Estoy contenta con el producto, con su funcionamiento y prestaciones, por lo que para m es recomendable

  31. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I wanted to replace my broken pedometer with something more accurate but did not want another phone app or all the reminders, messages and other things that go with a smart watch. It is slightly chunky to wear but otherwise comfortable, and the large analogue clock dial is easy to read. Also resets itself every day to count my total steps for the day.

  32. Steven Parker says:


    Super montre fais bien ce qu’elle doit faire mon mari en et trs content. Peu not les renseignements pour son mdecin. Facile utilis. Je la recommande.

  33. AJ Dellinger says:

     United Kingdom

    Finally a smart watch that does not require down loading an app or WiFi connection
    Looks a very nice watcheasy to set up.
    Basic settings but that’s what I needed
    Maybe a bit overpriced.
    Nice strapnice clear scree

    Easy to use…

  34. AlisaBevill says:

     United Kingdom

    I have had this for two weeks now so can’t attest to its longevity. However, I’m very pleased with it so far. I was planning on buying a fitbit but discovered this on amazon, so went for this instead based on existing reviews. I use it to track my heart rate constantly as I have a rhythm issue, and for running. It alarms when my heart rate is too high, and I walk and wait for it to reduce. This works well for me. It can be set to alarm at given intervals, eg 1km. I also use the sleep tracker, which is proving interesting, and the step counter seems accurate. The update has given me a weather function and I can also snooze my alarm without having to reach for my phone! The strap easily stays in place (a couple of inches up from the wrist) and is comfortable. I like the fact that the small band holding the end in place (it probably has a name) includes a little piece which slots into the holes, so that the end of the band doesn’t keep sliding out.
    A small detail but effective. With everything on 24/7, the battery lasts for 5 or 6 days and charges overnight.

    This is a great band, especially for the price.

  35. DavidFortggft says:


    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersIm Rahmen des VINE-Programms wurde mir die “Smartwatch” zur Verfgung gestellt und meine Frau konnte sie bereits einige Tage testen.

    Der erste Eindruck:
    Die Verpackung ist eher einfach gehalten, darin befindet sich das Ladekabel, eine mehrsprachige Anleitung und die Uhr. Die Uhr ist recht kompakt & leicht, die Tast hat einen guten Druckpunkt, das Display ist allerdings etwas klein & die Schrift dadurch ebenfalls…
    Das mitgelieferte Armband lt sich leicht installieren, dank der Schnellverschlsse.
    Optisch ist sie zumindest schon mal ganz nett.

    Da meine Frau die Uhr gerne ohne App verwenden will (keine zustzliche App, die Daten sammelt), wurde alles nur auf der Uhr eingerichtet – manchmal auf dem kleinen Display etwas fummelig, aber es klappte problemlos.
    Die Funktionen der “Uhr” erinnern eher an einen Fitnesstracker wie das MiBand als eine eine Smartwatch wie die Exemplare von Apple oder Samsung – dort ist der Funktionsumfang noch einmal deutlich grer.

    Die Erfassung der Ttigkeiten funktioniert hnlich gut wie bei meinem MiBand – soweit also alles im grnen Bereich. Wie wasserdicht die Uhr ist, konnten wir noch nicht testen!

    Als Fitnesstracker ganz brauchbar und dem Preis entsprechend – die Uhr als Smartwatch zu bezeichnen halte ich allerdings fr ein bisschen viel des Guten…

  36. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 33 From Our UsersI wanted a simply watch for time (so I didn’t always need my cell phone with) and steps to push myself just a little bit more. I didn’t want Bluetooth or need to link it to an app. I just didn’t want to worry about one more device and emfs and this fit the bill perfectly! I’ll definitely stick with this brand for my needs. Just wish they sold extra straps to switch out the colors. Set up was easy, charging (battery lasts an insane amount of days) is a breeze, and navigation of the device is great! I love it and it’s perfect for me! Thanks!

  37. Lin9735cytzjycy says:


    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersMein 4-Zeilen-Fazit:
    Soll die Uhr zur Uhrzeit nur noch die Schritte anzeigen,
    muss man sich keine super teure Smartwatch aneignen,
    denn der HUAKUA Schrittzhler macht das viel billiger
    und zeigt sich auch beim Einstellen ohne App williger.

    Meine Frau nutzt kein Smartphone und so war es fr irgendwelche Smartwatches fr sie bei Bedarf immer ntig, von jemandem Hilfe zu erhalten, der ein Smartphone hat. Aber das reichte meist auch nicht, denn dazu musste auf dem Smartphone auch noch eine bestimmte App eingerichtet werden. Passte also nicht so richtig zusammen. Umso erfreuter war ich, den “HUAKUA Schrittzhler Uhr (Ohne app und Handy) 1,47 Zoll Touchscreen Einfach Smartwatch Fitness Tracker mit Kalorienzhler,Schlafmonitor,Stoppuhr Wasserdicht IP68,Timer Fitnessuhr fr Gehen Laufen” zum Testen angeboten bekommen zu haben und bestellte sofort.

    Die Uhr kam in einer ordentlichen Pappverpackung hier an. Uhr und Armbandteile befanden sich sicher aufgehoben in einer Plastikform. Zum berschaubaren Lieferumfang gehrten (Foto 1) neben Uhr und Armband noch ein USB-Kabel mit Magnetkontakten am anderen Ende und eine mehrsprachige Anleitung (auch mit deutschem Text).
    Das Konfigurieren der Uhr konnte im eigenen Men erfolgen, ich musste dafr keine App oder ein Smartphone oder so zu Hilfe nehmen. Als erstes whlte ich die Mensprache “Deutsch” aus (Foto 2), gab Datum und Uhrzeit ein und entschied mich fr die metrische Einheitenanzeige und gab persnliche Daten meiner Frau ein (Geburtsdatum, Geschlecht, Gre, Gewicht, Schrittlnge). Damit war die grundlegende Konfiguration schon abgeschlossen.
    Fr den Display-Modus whlte ich zunchst aus, dass das immer dann aufleuchtete, wenn der Arm, an dessen Handgelenk sich die Uhr befand, bewegt wurde. Als wir aber feststellten, dass dann der interne Akku gerade mal 3 – 4 Tage durchhielt, haben wir den Modus so verndert, dass das Display ausschlielich per Druck auf den seitlichen Knopf etwas anzeigte (Fotos 3 + 4). Jetzt reichte eine Akku-Ladung fr deutlich mehr als eine Woche, sofern keines der auswhlbaren Aktivittstrackings (Gehen, Laufen) aktviert wurde.
    Meine Frau braucht zwar das integrierte Schlaftracking, den Wecker, die Stoppuhr usw. nicht, sondern nur die Uhrzeit und ihre Schritte pro Tag. Die Anzeige der verbrauchten Kalorien (besser Kilo-) scheint sich sowieso nur auf zustzliche Aktivitten zu beschrnken, denn der Grundumsatz, also das, was jeder Mensch sowieso jeden Tage “verbraucht”, wird hier nicht auf der Uhr angezeigt.
    Zum Vergleich habe ich meine Frau mal an zwei Tagen eine weitere Sportuhr (zuverlssigen Markenprodukt zum Zehnfachen des hier verlangten Preises und mi GPS) am selben Handgelenk tragen lassen. Die Differenz bei den tglichen Schrittzahlen betrug sogar weniger als 2 %, aber die zurckgelegten Strecken unterschieden sich schon sehr deutlich, nmlich um ca. 30 %. War aber nachvollziehbar, weil GPS gegen “Anzahl Schritte multipliziert mit der Schrittlnge” eben einen solchen Unterschied bedingte.
    Puls-, Blutdruck- oder Atemfrequenzmessungen waren mit diesem Modell nicht mglich.
    Damit trgt meine Frau nun schon einige Zeit eine Uhr, die recht ansehnlich ist, nicht mit Funktionen berfrachtet wurde und mit der sie sehr gut klarkommt, auch ohne jemanden mit Smartphone um Hilfe bitten zu mssen. Sogar noch besser: Diese Uhr ist berhaupt nicht in der Lage, eine Funkvernbindung aufzubauen, weder Bluetooth, noch WLAN oder so.

    Wnschenswert wre aus meiner Sicht, wenn man die mit dieser Uhr getrackten Daten bei Bedarf auch mal in einer Statistik, z.B. am Laptop/PC speichern und sehen knnte, nach dem Motto – wieviele Schritte machte ich vorgestern oder letzte Woche oder so.

    Insgesamt eine schne Uhr mit relativ wenigen, aber vielfach ausreichenden Funktionen fr die Puristen unter den Fitnesstracker-Trgern. Ob man dafr knapp 40 Euro ausgeben mchte, muss jeder fr sich entscheiden, denn fr weniger Geld gibt es Uhren mit deutlich mehr Funktionen, die im Gegensatz zum HUAKUA Schrittzhler aber ein Smartphone voraussetzen.
    Meine Frau jedenfalls ist glcklich damit und deshalb gibt es von mir eine Kaufempfehlung.

    Endlich kann ich auch mal eine solche Uhr ohne Smartphone bediene

  38. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    The watch has no bluetooth connection and is actually just a fitness tracker. This could be a plus for someone who does not want their notifications coming through their watch and are more focused on their fitness.

    The screen is detailed and easy to use. Nothing complex about this watch.

    I would not really call this a smart watch but it is great to track your steps, remind you to stretch, have water, there is also a stopwatch and timer too.

  39. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Golden Review Award: 19 From Our UsersI like the fact that I don’t need a phone, blue tooth or app. I turned off the option for motion viewing, so I just push the button to see the time and this greatly increases the battery life. Being able to change the clock display is a nice feature. Finally, setup is quick and easy.

  40. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    The watch is good, I like the color pink. This watch is easy to assemble, it has basic functions, I would like it if it also has a workout function.

  41. JoniMcNeill says:

     United Kingdom

    It is very surprising to see watch which doesn’t need Bluetooth app connectivity these days and is fully functional at the same time.

    This watch is not supported by any app, bluetooth, works fully without phone. So this is purely activity tracker with some extra functionality such a sleep tracker, stopwatch, alarm, timer, reminder to drink water or stretch to stay fit.

    Display is very small but fully functional. I couldn’t wake up screen by tapping it, always needed to reach for button which is not very convenient sometimes. When jump on my treadmill i measure how accurate it is comparing to my apple watch and treadmill itself and here is my surprise. It is super accurate. I couldn’t actually believe it. Measuring distance very precisely as well steps. Since there is no heart monitor it doesn’t measure burned calories that well.

    Overall basic but very well made watch. Not bad price as well for so much functionality.

    Very accurate and well made activity tracke

  42. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersHo ordinato questo articolo per mia moglie visto che aveva bisogno di uno smartwatch, ma una volta consegnatomi a casa mi sono reso conto che non si trattava di un vero e proprio smartwatch che si collega via bluetooth ad un’app associata sul proprio smartphone. In realt, un “semplice” orologio digitale con delle funzioni utili in pi orientate per il fitness.

    In passato ho testato smartwatch dal prezzo di vendita pi o meno simile a questo e ho potuto constatare che molti di questi articoli hanno app incomplete, a volte con errori di traduzione nella lingua italiana, “crashano” o si bloccano spesso, l’interfaccia non sempre fluida, friendly e carina a vedere (aspetto da non sottovalutare perch alla lunga diventano noiosi oltre che sembrare davvero economici). In sostanza, app su cui c’era ancora da lavorare parecchio!

    Alla stessa maniera anche quegli smartwatch avevano dei problemini: il conto dei passi non era proprio affidabile cos come quello della frequenza cardiaca, touch screen scomodi e men delle funzioni organizzati in maniera bizzarra e poco funzionale. Questo orologio digitale invece mi sembrato ben fatto considerato il prezzo di vendita.

    Mi piace il quadrante dalla forma allungata (e non quadrato), sicuramente unisex come anche il colore nero che classico e sobrio. I materiali sono buoni, il cinturino in silicone non sottile come mi capitato di vedere in alcuni modelli economici. Nel complesso, dal punto di vista estetico e dei materiali il mio giudizio positivo. Si naviga nel menu attraverso l’unico tasto fisico sul lato destro della cassa e toccando il touch screen.

    Finalmente un menu organizzato in maniera semplice e funzionale con quello che serve e poi un touch screen che risponde bene davvero.

    Potete scegliere lo sfondo che preferite tra quelli salvati (in totale 5) e su cui vengono riportate le informazioni principali: data, orario, stato della batteria, passi.. da questa schermata principale potete attivare la modalit silenzioso oppure passare al men con le funzioni per l’allenamento.

    Cosa troviamo in questo men? Sveglia, timer, cronometro, training per la respirazione (esercizi utili per l’apnea), promemoria per lo stretching e per bere acqua durante il giorno, le impostazioni per inserire le informazioni biometriche personali, l’unit di misura oppure regolare la luminosit del display (grande e si vede bene anche con il sole a mezzogiorno) oppure quanti secondi resta acceso il display e la funzione di accensione del display quando alzate il braccio). Ci sono poi le modalit per lo sport: running e camminata. Praticamente sono schermate che vi danno delle informazioni utili (chilometri percorsi, tempo di allenamento, calorie bruciate) concepite appositamente in base all’attivit specifica.

    Cosa manca? il sensore per rilevare la frequenza cardiaca, utile anche per chi pratica l’apnea come me e si esercita a “secco”, un vero peccato! Motivo per cui assegno 4 stelle.

    E’ un orologio digitale ben fatto nella sua semplicit che trovo davvero utile sia per le funzioni relative all’allenamento (il timer durante gli esercizi con la vibrazione) che per la durata della batteria (dopo 7 giorni la batteria non si scaricata). Anche il touchscreen ottimo: sensibile il giusto e non ha tastini minuscoli.

    Il cavetto di ricarica del tipo magnetico (attenzione a non perderlo).

    E’ un orologio digitale senza bluetooth o app associata allo smartphone, mi ha convinto

  43. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersEste a diferencia de otros relojes no utiliza bluetooth, ya que toda la funcionalidad la lleva implcita y podrs consultar alarmas, pasos, sueos, etc desde el mvil sin tener que estar utilizando una aplicacin de mvil, esto segn lo veas es bueno o malo, bueno si quieres regalrselo a un nio/a que no tenga por ahora mvil y tambin ayudara a que la batera dure mucho ms.

    Dispone de varios interfaces, adems es tctil con lo que podrs manejarlo con el dedo sin problema.

    Me ha parecido curioso es que vienen las correas quitadas, la mayora de los relojes de este tipo ya vienen puesta, pero eso es cuestin de segundos el colocarla.

    Lo que no me gusta es la forma de carga, ya que depende de un cable imantado que se pierde o rompe, adis reloj, eso deberan quitarlo de otros muchos, incluidos relojes de marca muy caros.

    En cuanto a este modelo, decir que, aunque parece blanco es como un gris claro ms que blanco.

    Un reloj sencillo y fcil de manejar, ya no solo perfecto para los peques, sino para las personas que no quieran complicarse la vida con aplicaciones mviles, por ejemplo, mi madre.

    Algo que lgicamente no me ha gustado y eso implica el bluetooth, es tema de notificaciones, al no estar conectado al mvil, ese tipo de avisos de llamadas, mensajes, etc. no lo recibirs, as que tenlo en cuenta.


    No tiene bluetooth que lo sepais.

  44. JeanettDXPX says:


    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersDans la grande famille des montres, je demande LA NON CONNECTEE 🙂
    Et oui, la particularit de celle-ci, c’est qu’elle ne vous donnera pas accs aux rseaux, votre tlphone et toutes les fonctions dites connectes.
    Elle est donc sans Bluetooth…

    Alors, que fait elle :
    – Elle est tanche IP68
    – Elle donne le nombre de pas
    – Elle offre la fonction “marche” et “course pieds”
    – Elle donne la distance parcourue
    – Elle donne les calories brules
    – Elle surveille votre sommeil
    – Elle vous rappelle de boire
    – Elle vous rappelle qu’il faut bouger
    – Elle fait chronomtre
    – Elle est rechargeable (cble de charge inclus)
    – Elle existe en diverses couleurs
    – Elle propose plusieurs langues dont le franais, l’anglais, l’allemand…
    – La luminosit de l’cran est ajustable
    – On peut choisir entre 5 fonds d’cran diffrents
    – L’cran de la montre s’allume sur simple mouvement du poignet
    – Ce temps d’clairage est rglable de 5 15 secondes
    – Le bracelet est en silicone souple trs agrable
    – Et ce bracelet est ajustable (de 155mm 230mm)
    – Elle a une bonne autonomie (facile, elle est non connecte donc moins energivore !)

    A NOTER : Cette montre est livre ” assembler”. Vous aurez relier le cadran aux 2 parties du bracelet.

    – La prsentation est moche : une simple boite en carton qui ne met absolument pas la montre en valeur. Et c’est bien dommage car, en fait, cette montre est trs jolie, tout en finesse grce son cadran mesurant 2,5cm x 4,5cm environ. Un petit air des montres proposes par la marque la pomme, en plus fine : c’est pour dire 🙂

    AU FINAL : jolie, simple, pratique, fonctionnelle… Une sympathique montre sans chichis pour ceux qui ne veulent pas tre connects longueur de temps. Elle peut paraitre un peu chre (40) du fait de ces caractristiques mais celle-ci s’avre, en tous cas, conue avec des matriaux de qualit. Un OUI pour moi 🙂

  45. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersI like this Smart Watch from HUAKUA, with its straightforward, simple design. I think it looks stylishly cool, and it appeals to me. I’m just using the Watch for the time and step counting , at the moment.
    The Watch has no Bluetooth facility, and you’ll have to set it up yourself, which is pretty easy, once you’ve found your way round the settings menu.
    I like this smart watch, and it’s become one of the watches that I currently wear on rotation, ( I like to have a different Watch on each day).
    This Watch is not going to worry any of the major brands, but I think it’s great, and you may like it toorecommended :).

    Smart Watch

  46. Pete Davison says:

     United Kingdom

    Easy to use fitness watch. No app or connectivity to your phone but that’s fine for me. I just wanted something basic to check steps and this does the job. Looks smart too.

  47. Anonymous says:


    Pour la simplicit et pour les nombreuses applications pour un prix agrable.

  48. MaxWillard says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersDie Uhr und das Armband wirken wirklich toll verarbeitet und hochwertig.
    Sie kommt zusammen mit einem Ladegert und einer recht verstndlichen Bedienungsanleitung.

    Vor der ersten Nutzung muss man einige persnliche Angaben wie Krpergre, Gewicht etc angeben.

    Die Uhr hat 5 verschiedene Zifferbltter, fr jeden Geschmack ist was dabei wrde ich sagen. Sie zeigt die Schritte, sowie die Km und verbrannten kcal an. Dies macht sie auch recht verlsslich, wenn man es mit anderen Schritt Zhlern vergleicht.
    Ebenso kann die Uhr die Zeit stoppen, einen Wecker einstellen, einen ans trinken erinnern und hat einen Modus fr Atem bungen. Sie hat verschiedenen Einstellungen sportliche Aktivitten zu trecken. Und kann einen dran erinnern mal vom Stuhl oder der Couch aufzustehen. Ebenso kann die Uhr die Schlafzeit aufzeichnen. Dies macht man in dem man den Nacht modus einstellt und die Uhr ab da einfach drauf achtet wann man sich bewegt und wann nicht. Das ist recht primitiv und nicht unbedingt genau.

    Die Uhr verfgt ber Vibration und ist wasserdicht. Der Bildschirm ist recht klar und das touch reagiert zu 90% auf die Berhrungen.

    Was ich ganz erfrischend finde, ist das die Uhr ganz ohne App und Bluetooth Anbindung kommt. Dadurch ist es wirklich nur eine Uhr die nicht dauerhaft ans Handy gekoppelt werden muss und dadurch auch deutlich besser mit der Akku Zeit klar kommt. Der Akku hlt ohne Probleme mehrere Tage. Der Bildschirm ist wirkt durch den Schwarzen Rahmen etwas grer als er eigentlich ist. Dafr sieht die Uhr wirkich hochwertig aus und ich wurde schon fters gefragt ob sie von einer Marke ist.

    Der Preis ist allerdings etwas hoch fr das was man bekommt. Von anderen Marken bekommt man fr den gleichen Preis bereits Uhren die viel mehr Funktionen haben. Aber fr Kinder, Jugendliche oder Leute die einfach nicht wollen das die smartwatch sich mit dem Handy verbindet, ist die Uhr eine tolle Alternative.

    Tolle Alternative wenn man einfach eine Smartwatch ohne Handy Anbindung haben will.

  49. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I like the idea of no app/Bluetooth, no external intervention, no data share, and no data stealing. The watch itself isn’t bulky, comfortable to wear, quite accurate and has basic functions of activity tracking. Good quality watch.

  50. EdenChrpsvmwqx says:

     United Kingdom

    I found this watch to be basic but that’s what I wanted it for. What I like about it is that it’s not connected to my phone meaning I don’t have notifications pinging through and I can use it a bit like a fitness tracker but with a smart watch look which is what I wanted. I find it easy to use, it was easy to set up and download the app. The mobile app is easy to use, I can navigate it easily and it’s good for looking at my data. I feel the watch is accurate and I like the different options it has on it. The watch is a nice size, the screen is easy to read and the touch controls are responsive. The strap is very comfortable and fits well and I like the quality of it too. I think overall the watch is good quality and offers good functions, I like the sleep tracker and step counter the most. It’s good that it’s waterproof too. I think it’s suitable for people of all ages including kids and that it’s pretty giftable. The value for money is good and I’ve not had any issues with it at all. It gets a thumbs up from me.

  51. GQGArianne says:

     United Kingdom

    Wow, this is literally first smart watch we have which doesn’t require app to set it up and use freely. That’s amazing!
    Watch came split in pieces-with strap separately and watch separately.
    Firstly we need to activate this watch first by connecting it to magnetic charging wire (included).
    As soon that’s done, manually we can set up our details (language, time, date, d.o.b, ,etc and we are ready ro use this watch.
    As it comes with pink wrist strap, my wife already reserved this watch for herself 😉
    As it doesn’t have an app, we will not get any notifications about calls and messages but that may suits some people if they simply want a sport watch without the extra control from the app.
    The watch has many settings apart from the sport standard ones, it has water drinking reminder, respiratory training, stretch reminder. The watch looks very pretty and unfortunately it cant be more customized like the face of the watch or some other settings usually offered on the app. This watch doesnt support Bluetooth and can’t be connected to phone.

    No app needed. Watch cant be paired with the phone

  52. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersUno smartwatch, per quanto mi riguarda, quell’oggetto che ha bisogno di un calcolatore (specialmente uno smartphone) a cui demandare parte dell’elaborazione dei dati raccolti tramite i suoi sensori. Quindi si parla di connessione Bluetooth per produrre il suddetto effetto.

    In questo caso si pensato di creare un orologio con le classiche funzionalit da smartwatch senza per fare uso della connessione a corto raggio per poter inviare i dati all’applicazione designata dello smartphone.

    Un orologio con uno schermo da 1,7″ circa di forma rettangolare porta con se molte delle caratteristiche che hanno reso famose le smart band sportive negli ultimi 8-9 anni.

    Dotato di cinturino intercambiabile con aggancio/sgancio facilitato il dispositivo fatto tutto in plastica (sebbene potrebbe sembrare alluminio). La sua misura in larghezza (punto di attacco alla cassa) di 18-19mm (pi probabile la misura esatta sia 19).
    NON ha sensori ottici per la lettura di frequenza cardiaca o saturazione del sangue ma ha solo i contatti per i pin di ricarica tramite USB in dotazione.

    Non essendoci applicazione la configurazione si far a mano: data e ora ma anche altezza, peso ed et (probabile che queste informazioni possono servire per i vari algoritmi inseriti direttamente nel sistema dell’orologio).

    Le schermate iniziali sono soltanto 5: se ne sceglie una per volta e non possono essere rimpiazzate da altre. Avremo le classiche informazioni relative ai passi eseguiti, alle calorie bruciate ed ai km percorsi.

    I gesti sono possibili nelle 4 direzioni cardinali ma abbiamo anche un pulsante per spegnere (se tenuto premuto) oppure per tornare al men precedente (un solo click).
    Il suo feedback buono.

    Lo schermo impostabile in luminosit da 1 a 4.

    Oltre al camminare avremo la possibilit di monitorare solo la corsa con un record delle sessioni che abbiamo eseguito.
    Nient’altro. Semplice semplice!

    Vi anche un Allenamento del Respiro che scandisce Espirazione e Inspirazione che noi dovremo eseguire a tempo.

    Promemoria dell’Acqua => ci avvisa di bere ad intervalli da 30 a 240 minuti.

    Avviso Sedentariet => Come sopra, si sceglie un intervallo della giornata nel quale a cadenza di multipli di 30 minuti selezionabili ci indica quando dobbiamo alzarci dalla sedia.

    Di altro, che per me stato utilissimo, stato il Conto alla Rovescia con valori predefiniti oppure con valori temporali arbitrari (es. 1h, 07m, 43s). Alla fine del coutdown riceveremo soltanto una piccola vibrazione. Bisogna stare attenti quindi.

    Il Cronometro invece prende il tempo totale ma anche i parziali.

    Il registro del sonno, attraverso l’algoritmo installato nel software registra la qualit dello stesso…o meglio quanto tempo si stati fermi. Non il migliore che io abbia mai visto ma appena sufficiente. Questo si attiva manualmente e si disattiva la mattina appena svegli (se ce ne ricordiamo)…da qui calcola la qualit del nostro sonno.

    La funzione Sveglia impostabile in valori multipli comprensivi di ora e giorni della settimana…in pratica possiamo impostare tante sveglie in giorni diversi. In questo caso la vibrazione continuer fino a quando non la faremo tacere premendo il pulsante di lato.

    Il livello di coibentazione ai liquidi (e solidi) IP68: protezione totale contro l’ingresso di polveri e l’immersione possibile in modo permanente ma non credo che si possa andare oltre il metro (3 in realt) ma con limitazione di 1 ora al massimo.

    L’autonomia con una batteria da 260mAh dovrebbe essere buona…ed in effetti lo ma NON come sperato.
    La mancanza di collegamento Bluetooth e di sensori ottici sempre attivi mi ha fatto arrivare al limite dei sette giorni.

    In conclusione: l’orologio “standalone” fatto in maniera tale da avere quasi tutto quello che serve (notifiche a parte) tra cui il Timer arbitrario che quello che vado in cerca quando scelgo degli orologi.

    La batteria tutto sommato buona, la visibilit sotto il sole al livello risultata decente (salvo sebo attaccato sul vetro del display che ha un trattamento anti-impronta discreto).

    La mancanza di vari sport la si potrebbe compensare con la funzionalit Corsa ma alla fine il sensore del battito una mancanza non da poco.

    Prezzo: 40. A questo prezzo non ci penserei proprio. La concorrenza agguerrita ma a 15-20 in meno se ne potrebbe parlare per coloro che non hanno voglia di applicazioni e Bluetooth o per gli anziani ai quali serve un contapassi senza pretese.

    Voto: 7,2/10 => 4 stelle per la sua, seppur limitata, “categoria”.

    Tutto quello che serve, senza Bluetooth – Piccole mancanze ma...7,2/10

  53. Mandy Sleight says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersArriva ben confezionato e protetto e in perfette condizioni. La scatola non sigillata. Nella confezione c’ l’orologio, il cavetto di ricarica e un manuale multilingue.
    Il cinturino arriva staccato dalla cassa, ma semplice da montare con gli attacchi rapidi a molla.
    La cassa in plastica color argento e il cinturino in silicone grigio, non leggerissimo.
    Ha il quadrante rettangolare ha una luminosit accettabile e il pulsante lungo facile da trovare e gestire.
    Il cinturino non fastidioso e sembra resistente.
    Il display touch ed abbastanza semplice da gestire con un p di pratica.
    La batteria dura a lungo e la ricarica veloce tramite il cavetto USB in dotazione. Non c’ l’alimentatore, ma qualsiasi caricabatterie va bene.
    Non supportato da app, non si collega allo smartphone anche perch non ha bluetooth.
    un orologio digitale, con schermo touch e con le funzionalit: contapassi, funzione timer, monitoraggio sonno, calcolo delle calorie bruciate, distanza percorsa, sveglia, cronometri, vibra per ricordarci di muoverci o di bere se si imposta il promemoria. Tutte queste funzionalit vengono impostate sul display che touch ed abbastanza grande per poterlo fare facilmente. Non mi ha entusiasmato per la cassa in plastica, perch per le funzionalit e per la qualit mi sembra eccessivo l’attuale prezzo di 39.99 euro per questo non posso parlare di ottimo rapporto qualit-prezzo. Pu essere adatto a persone che non hanno dimestichezza con le app o che hanno necessit di funzionalit basic.

    Orologio digitale con funzionalità basic. Non ha l'app.

  54. Megan says:

     United Kingdom

    Great smart watch first off there is no bluetooth with this watch. It is strictly a fitness tracker and is a great one that has everything you need from a fitness tracker from a pedometer, calorie counter, stopwatch, etc.. The watch has multiple watch faces for you to choose from all of them for a specific aesthetic. It’s ip68 waterproof and has a timer function too.

    Smart design has a very nice clean look to it and is very easy to use

  55. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I really liked the look of this watch and decided I would be keeping it for myself. It has a nice strap, and a nice design as well, I like the pink with the rose gold and the longer watch face design.

    It tracks your steps, the distance you’ve walked, and the calories you’ve burnt. It also monitors your sleep and you can set alarms on it straight from the watch. It is waterproof and you can choose from multiple watch faces.

    Overall, good value for money does what it should, and I highly recommend it.

  56. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I am so very impressed with this watch. It is basic yes. No Bluetooth or Appa but it does exactly what want it to do. Arrived well packed. Small frustrating thing was trying to fit the strap which wasn’t pre fitted. Took a few minutes of sorting. Other than that this watch does everything I need. Yes it is a watch! With a pedometer and more.
    Pleased to recommend.

  57. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This a basic fitness tracker in that it offers no connectivity to a PC via a cable or bluetooth. I liked the simple style of the watch and the build quality. The strap is easy to fit thanks to the small levers and it’s very comfortable to wear.

    The touch screen is small and my large fingers struggled with the buttons during setup. On the whole it’s responsive and easy to use, with a simple user interface that supports swiping to go up and down menus and also to leave screens. There’s a single physical button on the side that acts as ‘back’.

    When you set it up, you get a choice of units: choose British and you get miles instead of Kilometres, for instance.

    In use on walks I found the distances, steps and calories to be roughly the same as an Apple watch. It records excercises so you can go back and view them.

    One thing I didn’t like was the garish faces – the analogue ones aren’t great so I prefer to use the plain digital one. All faces gives you the time, plus calories burnt and steps taken.

    After a user defined period of time the screen switches off, but comes back on when you move your wrist up. I found this worked most of the time, but sometimes it didn’t come on.

    Comfortable to wear for long periods of time, with a battery life of around 4 days, this is a basic, but useable fitness tracker. If you aren’t bothered about connectivity with a phone or PC, then this is a decent, value for money product, but for the same price you might be able to get something with more features. (There are other features such as breathing, alarms and sleep monitoring, but no heart rate monitor)

    Basic Fitness tracke

  58. StefanClisby says:

     United Kingdom

    Simple but great value & quality smart watch that does not need bluetooth which is perfect for anyone not into tech easy to set up instructions fits an adults wrist easy to charge but do charge on first use see photos

    Smart watch

  59. DarrenKymftvk says:

     United Kingdom

    This is a nice easy to set up smart watch which has no Bluetooth nor does it require an app download on the mobile so this would be perfect for people who do not have smart phone.

    The design is sleek and with the main face being a perfect size to fit the wrist. Within the box you get the screen, two straps which are easy to connect to the face and also a charger.

    The watch has the main functions you’d expect in a smart watch including counting steps, distance travelled, Calories Burned ad water intake reminder.

    The watch overall is really good quality with a high quality screen and easy to use.

  60. RonnyCharteris says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersThis is a very basic smart watch, more like an enhanced pedometer actually.

    It arrived with the strap detached which was quite fiddly to attach. There is no Bluetooth or app connectivity so very limited functionality, but battery life should be good. The clock, countdown, pedometer all work, so fine if this is what you neede. The screen is relatively detailed and can be seen clearly in bright light.

    A very basic watch and not really smart but fine if you just want a basic pedometer.

    Basic but functional

  61. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersI have had a few fitness band watches that connect by Bluetooth to my phone. I dislike them because I don’t want my watch linked to receive texts etc and I found that unless the watch and phone were in regular bluetooth contact, the watch would lose time and need to be paired to enable the correct time.
    I want the features of a connecting watch without the connection. This watch fits that bill and even better is that it has a pink strap!
    The watch is also better in my opinion because it is charged by marching up the metal contacts on the back of the watch with the contact pins on the charging lead. No need to pull off one side of the watchstrap to charge it. I broke a watch this way when pulling the wrist strap off also pulled off and broke the charging connection. No harm of that here. The wrist strap fits the old fashioned way on little pins and has a little toggle to make removal easier.
    The watch is very easy to set up. It stores personal details like age, height etc. A simple next button is followed to allow you to set up for the first time.
    There are 5 choices of clock face including digital and analogue and you can change this at any time. You can also set the watch to come on with a wrist flick – no tapping the screen here.
    The watch has several other functions including sports modes and exercise records, sleep data, alarm clock, stopwatch, timer and drink water and stetch reminders.
    You can measure and enter your stride length and the watch will display your calories, steps and distance. This isn’t accurate like a GPS watch but I am more interested in keeping a note of the step count.
    This watch is ideal if you want a more basic smart watch that is easy to charge and looks good.

    All the features without Bluetooth

  62. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This is a fantastic watch, looks stylish and sleek and almost looks like the well known more expensive version. It was fully charged ready to go out of the box, very easy to navigate, the touch screen works well and the button on the side works well too. There’s a stopwatch, timer, step counter, calories and also a sleep and breathing mode. Great quality, the strap is comfortable. It doesn’t have Bluetooth or connect to a phone but that’s fine, it’s a simple product but that’s all you need sometimes. The screen quality and colour is bright and looks great, would be even better if you could change the clock faces just to a few different choices. Overall a fantastic watch, really impressed and highly recommend. Would suit a child too as there’s no phone linkage so it’s very simple and the strap is adjustable. Excelle